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Merve Ceyda Civan:

Evaluation of User Onboarding Libraries for Web-Applications


  • Javascript
Academic Advisor
Web Development, Usability
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)


Today, many Websites offer a rich set of features. Explaining the usage of those features is a task, than can be done either via a static help text explanation, or using javascript libraries like intro.js, that offer the capabilities for implementation of an interactive learning process. To test the efficiency of these approaches compared to a static approach or no help at all, the thesis should look at existing libraries for tutorials and compare them in terms of features, choose one library to implement a tutorial in the context of an idea generation web system, and compare the perceived helpfulness of the system in a user test.


Renz, Jan, et al. "Improving the Onboarding User Experience in MOOCs." Proceedings EduLearn (2014).

Cascaes Cardoso, Marina. "The Onboarding Effect: Leveraging User Engagement and Retention in Crowdsourcing Platforms." Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2017.

Wiley, Kristi, and Guiseppe Getto. "A UX workflow for building awesome applications." Communication Design Quarterly Review 3.3 (2015): 49-52.