Students affiliated with a different university (Nebenhörer)
If you want to take a course from the HCC group but are not a student at the Freie Universität (but at another university), then you can apply as a student affiliated with a different university.
For the request, you have to fill out the form and send it to the Studierendenverwaltung. You can find all informations on the registering process here.
Important: you will need a signature of the teaching person. Therefore
- Fill out the form
- Print the form as PDF
- Send the PDF via email to the teaching person
- You will receive the form with the signature
- Send it via email or mail to the Studierendenverwaltung
You will then receive a letter to get an FU account and have access to the systems relevant for your studies (e.g. Blackboard, Webex, Vbrick Rev etc.) and to online ressources of the university library.
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science has also some tools and software (GitLab, Mattermost…), that is not included in the FU account. If you need the access send a scan of your student id card AND the name of your FU account via email to . For more details visit the wiki of the department.