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CECAM Flagship Workshop: Flowing matter in porous media

CECAM Flagship Workshop Organisers: Felix Höfling (Freie Universität Berlin) Jürgen Horbach (Universität Düsseldorf) Liesbeth Janssen (Eindhoven University of Technology) Anna Maciołek (Polish Academy of Science, Warschau) For more information see  here . The event is supported by funds of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Location: Zuse Institut Berlin

Feb 24, 2025 - Feb 27, 2025

CECAM Flagship Workshop on High-Performance Computing

CECAM Flagship Workshop An interdisciplinary platform for researchers, software engineers, and hardware specialists Highlights in classical molecular simulations Advances in quantum mechanical modelling Hybrid QM/MM methods and their applications Algorithms and co-design for novel hardware Parallel programming models Technological trends & new computing paradigms Organisers: Felix Höfling, Petra Imhof, Thomas D. Kühne (for the Atomistic Simulation Center of the NHR Alliance) For more information see  here . The event is supported by funds of Freien Universität Berlin and of the National High-Performance Computing (NHR) Alliance.

Location: Zuse Institute Berlin

Feb 19, 2024 - Feb 21, 2024

Non-Markovianity and Uncertainty in Stochastic Multi-Scale Models

Joint Colloquium of the CECAM node DE-MMS and the CRC 1114

Location: SR 031 (Arnimallee 6)

Feb 09, 2023 | 02:00 PM - 06:00 PM

Resonant diffusion of a gravitactic circle swimmer

Thomas Franosch (Universität Innsbruck)

Location: SR 126 (Arnimallee 6)

Nov 01, 2022 | 10:30 AM

Using Gaussian stochastic analysis to solve a chemical diffusion master equation

Alberto Lanconelli (Università di Bologna)

Location: SR 031 (Arnimallee 7) This hybrid event will also be broadcast via Zoom: Meeting ID: 896 4877 2626 Access code: 624615

Jun 02, 2022 | 02:00 PM

Stationary evaporation and droplet coalescence by molecular dynamics simulation

Matthias Heinen (TU Berlin)

Location: SR 126 (Arnimallee 6)

May 20, 2022 | 10:30 AM

Protein diffusion dynamics in bacteria and superstatistics

Yuichi Itto (Universität Stuttgart and Aichi Institute of Technology Japan)

Location: SR 126 (Arnimallee 6)

May 06, 2022 | 10:30 AM

Custom flow in Brownian and molecular dynamics

Daniel de las Heras (U Bayreuth)

Location: SR 032 (Arnimallee 6)

Oct 08, 2021 | 10:30 AM

Particles with non-standard interactions: Bubbles, Bacteria, and Trails

Till Kranz (U Cologne)

Location: The seminar is held via Zoom Meetings. Please, turn to Ms. Dr. Zahra Mokhtari for meeting' details (z.mokhtari[at]fu-berlin.de)

Sep 10, 2021 | 10:00 AM

Active matter across scales

Robert Großmann (U Potsdam)

Location: The seminar is held via Zoom Meetings. Please, turn to Ms. Dr. Zahra Mokhtari for meeting' details (z.mokhtari[at]fu-berlin.de)

Aug 27, 2021 | 10:00 AM

Dynamic and thermodynamic properties of noisy systems with memory

Sarah Loos (U Leipzig)

Location: The seminar is held via Zoom Meetings: Meeting ID: 829 3044 8054 Password: 314159265

Dec 11, 2020 | 10:00 AM
Oct 25, 2019 | 11:30 AM

CECAM Workshop: Statistical mechanics of interfaces

CECAM Node Workshop: Statistical mechanics of interfaces: dynamic phenomena Organizers: Felix Höfling, Jürgen Horbach For more information see  here . 

Location: Institute of Mathematics Freie Universität Berlin Arnimallee 6, 14195 Berlin

Oct 04, 2018 - Oct 06, 2018

Many-core and GPU simulations ...

Tobias Kramer (ZIB): Simulations of many-body dynamics and currents current-carrying systems for the (Quantum) Hall Effect on GPUs. The talk is based on the paper T. Kramer, V. Krueckl, E. Heller, and R. Parrott, Self-consistent calculation of electric potentials in Hall devices, Phys. Rev. B,  81 , 205306 (2010). ================ Joint physics / Computer science seminar  "Many-core and GPU simulations of the dynamics of complex physical systems" at Zuse Institute Berlin, to be held in 3-week intervals Thursdays 14:15-16:00 .

Location: ZIB, Takustr. 7, Raum Nr 3359

Dec 14, 2017 | 02:15 PM

Many-core and GPU simulations ...

Felix Höfling (FU): HALMD - massively parallel molecular dynamics on GPUs Moritz Hoffmann/Christoph Fröhner (FU): ReaDDy - a simulator for Reaction Diffusion Dynamics ================ Joint physics/computer science seminar  "Many-core and GPU simulations of the dynamics of complex physical systems" at Zuse Institute Berlin, to be held in 3-week intervals Thursdays 14:15-16:00 .

Location: ZIB, Takustr. 7, Raum Nr 3359

Nov 23, 2017 | 02:15 PM

Many-core and GPU simulations ...

Prof. Christoph Koch (Physik HU Berlin): Electron microscopy with GPUs: where are the atoms  2. Tobias Kramer (ZIB): Wavepacket dynamics: speeding up FFTs with GPUs. ================ Joint physics / Computer science seminar  "Many-core and GPU simulations of the dynamics of complex physical systems" at Zuse Institute Berlin, to be held in 3-week intervals Thursdays 14:15-16:00 at Zuse Institute.

Location: ZIB, Takustr. 7, Raum Nr 3359

Nov 02, 2017 | 02:15 PM

Many-core and GPU simulations ...

1. Matthias Noack (ZIB): HEOM: efficient computation of open quantum system dynamics 2. Tobias Kramer (ZIB): Performance tuning and analysis using OpenCL on many core processors ================ Joint physics / Computer science seminar  "Many-core and GPU simulations of the dynamics of complex physical systems" at Zuse Institute Berlin, to be held in 3-week intervals Thursdays 14:15-16:00 at Zuse Institute.

Location: ZIB, Takustr. 7, Raum Nr 3359

Oct 12, 2017 | 02:15 PM

3 talks on driven colloids

A special seminar featuring three short talks (15') on driven colloids

Location: Arnimallee 6, SR 126

Jun 16, 2017 | 10:30 AM

Random processes in continuous time

Dr. Daniela Frömberg (MPI Physik komplexer Systeme Dresden)

Location: Arnimallee 6, SR 126

May 16, 2017 | 10:30 AM

Random-close packing limit in mono- and polydisperse hard spheres

Dr. Vasili Baranau (U Marburg)

Location: Arnimallee 6, SR 108/109

May 11, 2017 | 10:30 AM