Mathematical research at our department concentrates on analysis and dynamical systems, discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, and numerical mathematics /scientific computing. There are also work groups with international connections in the areas of algebra and number theory, stochastics and topology.
- Algebraic Geometry
Prof. Dr. Klaus Altmann - Algebraic Topology
Prof. Dr. Holger Reich - Applied Analysis
Prof. Dr. Marita Thomas - Biocomputing
Prof. Dr. Christof Schütte - Combinatorics and Graph Theory
Prof. Tibor Szabó - Complex Analysis
Prof. Dr. Alexander Schmitt - Computational Molecular Biology
Prof. Dr. Frank Noé - Computational Statistical & Biological Physics
Prof. Dr. Felix Höfling - Didaktik der Mathematik
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Lutz-Westphal, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Scheiner - Diskrete Algebraische Geometrie & Mathematik für Lehramt
Prof. Dr. Christian Haase - Discrete Geometry
Prof. Dr. Georg Loho, Prof. Dr. Pavle Blagojevic, Prof. Dr. Günter M. Ziegler - Dynamical Systems / Stochastics
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Perkowski - Gender Studies
Dr. Anina Mischau - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rupert Klein - Mathematics for Sustainability Transitions
Dr. Sarah Wolf - Mathematics of Data Sciences
Prof. Dr. Max von Kleist - Mathematical Geometry Processing
Prof. Dr. Konrad Polthier - Nonlinear Dynamics
PD Dr. Isabelle Schneider -
Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
Prof. Dr. Ralf Kornhuber -
Numerical Mathematics of Deterministic and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Prof. Dr. Claudia Schillings -
Numerical Analysis and Stochastic
Prof. Dr. Ana Djurdjevac - Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen der numerischen Strömungsmechanik
Prof. Dr. Volker John