Free / Open Source Software Engineering Group This is the homepage of the Free/Open Source Software Engineering Group at the Free University Berlin. We are part o...
* Set TITLE = Seminar Open Source 2004 Topic "Software Architecture" Topic "Software Architecture" When talking about software architecture, one refers to t...
Topic "Business Models" Developing software primarily is about getting problems solved and making money. The introduction of the open source development paradigm ...
Topic "CVS Archeology" With the introduction of the open software development paradigm a technique for harvesting information has gained increased popularity that...
Topic "Cooperation and Conflicts" The aspect of cooperation gets its own topic because it is still amazing that a global cooperation of individuals can produce th...
Site for Open Source Seminar by Susanne Richter Hallo Participants, here I'd like to represent my "step by step" results. I hope they will also help the other pa...
Topic "Gender" Gender (= Sexual identity, especially in relation to society or culture.) is a difficult topic when studying social systems and there is no way to ...
Historical Perspective on the Origin of the Open Source Movement and comparing the Open Source Engineering and Steam Engines Engineering Part I: As an Introductio...
Topic "Leadership" Without leadership also Open Source projects cannot exist, much like any traditional software development. But the style of leadership can b...
Topic "Licensing" Open Source is very tightly couple to the existence of certain licensing terms. This special relationship therefore requires some attention in t...
Topic "Motivation" The motivation of the individual to take on work in the Open Source community proves to be an interesting question. Why do individuals commit t...
Topic "Processes" The way software is constructed in teams of developers from the first steps of requirements analysis, specification and design to the stages of ...
Topic "Quality Assurance" If you have questions, comments, critics etc. send an e mail to: mailto:bartkowi@inf.fu István Bartkowiak . Although there ...
Topic "Software Release Management" For software to be truly open it must be released into the world for others to use and look at. The problem of doing so is wel...
Topic "Safety and Security" Open Source software is often claimed to achieve high levels of safety and security when compared to traditionally developed software....
Topic "Tools" To construct software one in general needs a set of tools (at least an editor, a compiler). With this topic we want to have an explicit look at the ...
* Set HOME=http://www.inf.fu se/teaching/S OpenSource 2005 This is the home page of a past seminar. The most current one is at SeminarOpenSourc...
* Set HOME=http://www.inf.fu se/teaching/S OpenSource 2006 This is the home page of a past seminar. The most current one is at SeminarOpenSourc...
Lehre / Teaching This information is of primarily local interest and is therefore in German only. Lehrveranstaltungen der Arbeitsgruppe Software Engineering: Lauf...