Prof. Dr. Ralf Kornhuber

FU Berlin
FB Mathematik und Informatik
Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
Room 130
14195 Berlin
Office hours
Tuesday, 11-12 a.m.
Short CV:
Seniorprofessor FU Berlin (since 2023)
Full Professor (C4), FU Berlin (1998 - 2022)
Offer Full Professor, University of Düsseldorf, not realized (1997)
Offer Full Professor, University of Leipzig, not realized (1997)
Full Professor (C3), University of Stuttgart (1996-1998)
Head of research group, WIAS Berlin (1994-1996)
Habilitation in Mathematics, FU Berlin with P. Deuflhard (1995)
Department deputy head, ZIB Berlin (1989-1994)
Research assistant, ZIB Berlin (1987-1989)
Dr. rer. nat in Mathematics, TU Berlin with R.D. Grigorieff (1986)
Research assistant, TU Berlin (1982-1987)
Software Development Engineer, STS GmbH Berlin (1980-1982)
Diploma in Mathematics, TU Berlin (1979)
Fields of interest:
- Nonsmooth elliptic and parabolic problems involving multiple scales
- Variational problems and geometric partial differential equations
- Subspace correction methods (domain decomposition, multigrid)
- Adaptive finite element methods and a posteriori error estimation
- Applications in the geosciences, biomechanics, life sciences, and material sciences
Scientific Prize:
International Multigrid Prize 2022 (together with R.H.W. Hoppe)
Awarded during the International Multigrid Conference 2022 in Lugano, August 22 - 27
Scientific Boards:
Organizing Committee of DMV - Jahrestagung 2022: Chair (2020 - 2022)
CRC 1114 Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems: Chair (2021 - 2022)
CRC 1114 Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems: Deputy Chair (2014 - 2021)
MATH+: Mentoring, Gender & Diversity Committee, Chair (since 2021)
MATH+: Council (2018 - 2022, Chair (2018 - 2020))
MATH+: Research Projects Committee (2018 - 2022)
MATH+: Visiting Professor Committee (since 2018)
Berlin Mathematical School (BMS): Admission Committee (since 2013)
Einstein Center ECMath: Executive Committee (2013 - 2018)
Einstein Center ECMath: Deputy Chair (2013 - 2014), Chair (2015 - 2016)
Helmholtz Research School GeoSim: Executive Board (2011 - 2017)
Int. Scientific Committee of Domain Decomposition Conferences (since 2003), Chair (2007 - 2013)
Matheon: Executive board (2012 - 2016)
Professionalization for Women in Research and Teaching (ProFil): Advisory Board (2008 - 2014)
Editorial Boards:
"International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling" (since 2003)
"SIAM Journal on Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (MMS)" (2011 - 2020)
"Computing and Visualization in Science" (2011 - 2022)