Dipl.-Inform. Tomasz Naumowicz

Ag Technische Informatik
Institut für Informatik
FB Mathematik und Informatik
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
I joined the working group Computer Systems & Telematics (CST) at the Freie Universität Berlin as a member of the Scientific Staff in January 2006. I'm also affiliated to the Computational Science Laboratory at Microsoft Research in Cambridge.
My research is in the area of Wireless Sensor Networks. I focus on software development support and system integration.
Autonomous Monitoring of Vulnerable Habitats |
In close collaboration with the Oxford University and Microsoft Research, we have developed an innovative system that can autonomously monitor animals and their habitats. Using a combination of Wireless Sensor Network based on the ScatterWeb platform and innovative software we are able to intelligently gather data from remote locations, relaying it back for local storage and processing and allow remote reconfiguration of the network by research scientists. More information about the project is available on the project hompeage.
Environmental Monitoring |
In natural sciences, research often relies on extensive manual investigation. Such methods can be error-prone and obviously don’t scale well. The development of autonomous data acquisition systems based on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) research has provides a method to significantly reduce the amount manual of work during field studies. It allows addressing of scientific questions that were previously infeasible. Our research group gathered comprehensive experience in creating robust WSN based systems for environmental monitoring. In the recent years we worked in close collaboration with researchers from natural science area and together, we built and deployed a number of WSNs that run autonomously under real-world conditions. More information about the project is available on the project hompeage.
Flow |
Flow is a Software Factory for Wireless Sensors Networks (WSNs). Software Factories are model-driven development environments. Flow allows modeling of applications for WSNs with the help of a visual editor. Flow focuses on data-centric programming. The key component is the concept of a data flow that can be used to describe how data should be processed. Domain experts use a visual Domain-Specific Language (DSL) to define data flows and thus specify the behavior of nodes in the network. With Flow domain experts no longer need to develop or maintain native application code. More information about the project is available on the project hompeage.
ScatterWeb .NET SDK
The ScatterWeb .NET SDK is a new approach to working with wireless sensor networks. It hides the complexity of embedded programming and offers easy to handle .NET objects that represent the wireless sensors. The SDK won the BASTA-Award 2006: 1st place for the best .NET contribution from Germany, Austria, Switzerland. More information about the ScatterWeb .NET SDK is available on the ScatterWeb .NET SDK homepage.
The Freie Universität Berlin and the Berlin Police Department are cooperation partners since 2006. Within the cooperation we are evaluating secure solutions for mobile data access to police records. More information about the project is available on the project hompeage. |
- T. Naumowicz, R. Freeman, H. Kirk, B. Dean, M. Calsyn, A. Braendle, T. Guilford, J. Schiller. Wireless Sensor Network for Habitat Monitoring on Skomer Island. Fifth IEEE International Workshop Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp 2010), in conjunction with IEEE LCN 2010, Denver, Colorado, October, 2010. [PDF][BibTeX]
- T. Naumowicz, B. Schröter, J. Schiller. Poster Abstract: Prototyping a Software Factory for Wireless Sensor Networks. 7th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2009); Berkeley, USA, 4th-6th November, 2009. [PDF][BibTeX]
- T. Naumowicz, B. Schröter, J. Schiller. Demo Abstract: Software Factory for Wireless Sensor Networks. 6th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2009); Cork, Ireland, 11th-13th February, 2009. [PDF][BibTeX]
- T. Naumowicz, B. Schröter, J. Schiller. Managing Data Flows with Flow: A Software Factory for Wireless Sensor Networks. Poster. Microsoft Academic Days 2008, Berlin, Germany, 19 November 2008. [PDF][BibTeX]
- T. Naumowicz, R. Freeman, A. Heil, M. Calsyn, E. Hellmich, A. Braendle, T. Guilford, J. Schiller. Autonomous Monitoring of Vulnerable Habitats using a Wireless Sensor Network. Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks (REALWSN 2008), in conjunction with ACM EuroSys 2008; Glassgow, UK, 1st April, 2008. [PDF][>BibTeX]
- T. Naumowicz. Enabling Wireless Sensor Networks: Integration of WSNs into Development Environments. Poster. Microsoft Research Summer School 2007, Cambridge, UK, July 2007. [PDF][BibTeX]
- G. Wittenburg, K. Terfloth, F. López Villafuerte, T. Naumowicz, H. Ritter, and J. Schiller. Fence Monitoring - Experimental Evaluation of a Use Case for Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN'07), pages 163-178, Delft, The Netherlands, January 2007. [PDF][BibTeX]
- T. Naumowicz. ScatterWeb .NET: Eingebettete Programmierung für .NET-Entwickler. dot.net magazin, pages 27-30, January 2006
- M. Tian, T. Voigt, T. Naumowicz, H. Ritter, J. Schiller. Performance Considerations for Mobile Web Services. In Elsevier Computer Communications Volume 27, Issue 11 , July 2004 [PDF][BibTeX]
- M. Tian, A. Gramm, T. Naumowicz, H. Ritter, J. Schiller. A Concept for QoS Integration in Web Services. 1st Web Services Quality Workshop (WQW 2003), in conjunction with IEEE Computer Society 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2003), Rome, Italy, December 2003 [PDF][BibTeX]
- M. Tian, T. Voigt, T. Naumowicz, H. Ritter, J. Schiller. Performance Impact of Web Services on Internet Servers. IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2003), Marina Del Rey, USA, November 2003 [PDF][BibTeX]
Bachelor / Master Theses
Recent topis: |
If you are interested in embedded development (C), environmental monitoring (deployments, and evaluations), or integration of embedded systems (.net), please don't hesitate to contact me. Tell me what is your topic of interest and we will try to find a suitable thesis for you. I'm currently not supervising any students. Please feel free to contact other members of the research group with your inquiry. They will be happy to assist you. |
- Aiquan Li. Evaluation der Software Fabrik Flow. Diploma Thesis. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Uwe Kühn. Software Factory for Wireless Sensor Networks: Evaluation of the Software Factory. Master Thesis. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Markus Rudolph. Lightweight Sensing Device - Komprimierte Haltung von Sensordaten auf einem Solid-State Medium. Bachelor Thesis. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Florian Hinz. Simulator für modulare Sensorknoten Entwicklung und Usability-Test. Diploma Thesis. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Sascha Weinmann. Soup: Software Update Verwaltung für Drahtlose Sensor Netzwerke. Diploma thesis. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Simone Römer. Lightweight Sensing Device. Bachelor thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Halim Albayrak. Pluginbasierte Benutzerschnittstelle zur Datenvisualisierung und Steuerung von Sensornetzwerken. Diploma thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Marco Ziegert. Autonomous Wildlife Monitoring: Design, implementation, and evaluation of an embedded platform for nightingale song recording. Diploma thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Frank Beier. Autonomous Wildlife Monitoring: Design, implementation, and evaluation of a wireless solution for nightingale song recording. Diploma thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Benjamin Bischof. Windows Treiberarchitektur: Entwurf und Implementierung eines HID-Miniport-Treibers. Master thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Marco Hutta. ScatterWeb: Das Sensornetz der Freien Universität Berlin. Master thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Benjamin Schröter. Software Factories for Embedded Systems
Design and Implementation of a Visual Domain Specific Language for Wireless Sensor Networks. Master thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin. - Dimitar Robev. Microsoft Robotics Studio: Integration von Drahtlosen Sensornetzwerken. Master thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin. (teamsite)
- Andrea Schuhmann. ScatterServices: Ein service-orientierter Ansatz für ScatterWeb Sensornetze. Master thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin. (teamsite)
- Oliver Richter. Entwurf und Implementierung einer Virtuellen Maschine für Sensornetzwerke mit Unterstützung für imperative und regelbasierte Programmierung. Master thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Oliver Schneider. Distributed Shared Sensor Networks. Master thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin.
WS 09/10 | Proseminar Technische Informatik |
SS 08: | P Mobilkommunikation |
SS 07: | S Technische Informatik - Network Organization and Protocols |
P Mobilkommunikation | |
SS 06: | P Mobilkommunikation |