CPC - an Eclipse framework for automated clone life cycle tracking and update anomaly detection


This thesis covers the development of Copy-Paste-Change (CPC), a framework for copy and paste clone tracking and update anomaly warnings within the Eclipse IDE. CPC represents the first step towards an integrated and feature rich clone tracking environment which increases the general awareness about clones in a software system and provides notifications and warnings about potential clone related errors. It is our hope that CPC will provide in-depth data about the day to day copy and paste habits of programmers in real environments which can help to improve our overall understanding of the `Micro-process of Software Development', the small day to day activities of a developer. CPC is written in Java 1.5 and is licensed under the GPL. It can be obtained from http://cpc.anetwork.de.


  • Bearbeiter: Valentin Weckerle
  • Abgabe: Januar 2008



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Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Informatik