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HOWTO get access to the BeGenDiv FTP server.

Get an account

Ask a BeGenDiv member to create an FTP user account for you.

Connect to FTP server

Using FileZilla Client

FileZilla is an easy-to-use FTP client available for Linux, Max and Windows.

  1. After launching FileZilla, open the "Site Manager":
  2. Create a new connection for the BeGenDiv FTP server:
    Enter the following connection parameters as shown above:
    Port: 990 (important!)
    Logon Type: normal
    User: Your provided username
    Password: Your provided password
  3. Hit "Connect"

Using the command line

On a Linux system, it is best to use the lftp client if available:
harrem@harrem:~$ lftp -p 990 -u digga
lftp> ls
-rw-r--r--   1 191245   10252    42365484 Nov 12 11:12 combined_reads.noN.fasta
-rw-rw-r--   1 digga    10252         269 Aug  7 15:56 hosts
lftp> get combined_reads.noN.fasta
42365484 bytes transferred in 21 seconds (1.95M/s)                             
You can use standard commands like ls or cd to navigate the FTP folders. Use get to download files/folders and put for upload. Other commands are explained in the lftp manpages.

Using a Web Browser to Download

Any web browser capable of working with the ftp protocol can be used to directly download data from the ftp server. After opening the link your web browser should ask you for user name and password and you should be able to browse the ftp server.



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