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Feynman Graphs in Quantum Field Theory and Algebraic Geometry

  • organisiert von Hél̀ène Esnault und Dirk Kreimer
  • Zeit: 10:15-11:45 Uhr
  • Ort: Freie Universität Berlin, Arnimallee 3, SR 005
  • Termine:
    • October 31: F. Brown
    • November 28: E. Panzer
    • December 12: M. Berghoff: "Wonderful Renormalization"
      Abstract: We take a look at the position space formulation of quantum field theory. Here, renormalization translates into the problem of extending distributions a priori only defined on some configuration space C(n,M) to the whole n-fold product M^n. This can be done systematically using the wonderful compactifications of DeConcini and Procesi.
    • February 13: M. Berghoff: Wonderful renormalization, part 2
      Having constructed the wonderful models for subspace arrangements associated to Feynman diagrams we are now able to continue with the renormalization process.