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The content of this course addresses computer network concepts and techniques at each layer of the protocol stack, with a particular focus on what powers today's Internet at the network layer and above. Topics include: physical layer processing principles, basic local network standards (Ethernet, Wifi...), internetworking techniques (IPv4, IPv6, packet routing...), transport layer mechanisms (reliability, flow control, TCP, UDP...), and fundamental application layer aspects (WWW, HTTP, DNS, security...). In the end of this course, lectures will zoom on a selection of specifically hot and new topics in the domain of computer networks.


Dozent/inProf. Dr. Emmanuel Baccelli, Prof. Dr. Matthias Wählisch
InstitutionInstitute of Computer Science
Freie Universität Berlin
SemesterWintersemester 2013/2014
RaumTakustraße 9 Hörsaal (lecture and exercises)

Office Hours: TBA

Lecture Time:

  • Tue 10:00-12:00, start at 10:15
  • Thu 08:00-10:00, start at 08:30


  • periodically Tue 16:00-18:00 (exact dates will be announced)



BSc (TI-III required!!!), MSc or Diploma students


TI-III (basic knowledge about computer networks)


Online material/Links/Additional readings

Basic text books for this course

  • Tanenbaum, A. S., Wetherall, D.J.: Computer Networks, 5th edition, Prentice Hall, Inc., New Jersey, 2010, ISBN 978-013212695-3. [Details]
  • Kurose, J. F., Ross, K. W.: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 4th edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 2008, ISBN 0-321-49770-8. [Details]



  • Notice: Last lecture: Thursday February 6th, at 8:00. Q&A session: Tuesday February 18th, at 10:00.



Chapter Slides, Handouts, and Papers
0 Organizational
1 Motivation
2 Introduction to the Application Layer
3.1 Application layer protocols: DNS
3.2 Application layer protocols: HTTP & WWW  
3.3 Application layer protocols: EMAIL
3.4 Application layer protocols: SNMP
Tutorial Socket API
4 Introduction to Layers 1 to 4
Tutorial Wireshark
5 The Physical Layer
6.1 The Link Layer: Concepts & Mechanisms
6.2 The Link Layer: Standard Protocols
7.1 The Network Layer: Concepts, IPv4 and IPv6
7.2 The Network Layer: Auxiliary Protocols and Routing 
8.1 The Transport Layer: Basis and UDP
8.2 The Transport Layer: TCP
8.3 The Transport Layer: Other Transport Protocols
9.1 Recent Trends: Spontaneous Wireless Networks (SWN)
9.2 Recent Trends: Peer-to-Peer Networks (P2P)
9.3 Recent Trends: Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and Information Centric Networks (ICN)



# Date Assignments, Slides, Papers, etc
01 22.10.2013 Assignment01, top500-domains.txt
02 19.11.2013 Assignment02
03 03.12.2013 Assignment03
04 11.12.2013 Assignment04
05 17.12.2013 Assignment05
06 07.01.2014 Assignment06
07 15.01.2014 Assignment07
08 21.01.2014 Assignment08 (updated 22.01.2014 13:15)
09 28.01.2014 Assignment09
10 04.02.2014 Assignment10

Assignments do not have to be submitted as they serve as basis for the lectures and as excercise.


  • Exam (new): at 12:00 on Feb. 25th 2014. Room: Hörsaal.
  • Post-exam review: visit me in my office hours, please check for availability.

Criteria for successful participation

  • Exam, active participation, attendance in exercises (85%)