IT-Services::Windows - Starting Java Applications despite error message (>=Java8)

Because of new security guidelines of Java many Java Applets can't run anymore. Here you can read how it will work again.



Adding an exception

  • Open the Windows Control Panel (Start → Control Panel)
  • Change the View to "Small icons" if not already happened
  • Open the "Java" Settings
  • In "Java Control Panel" change to tab "Security"
  • To add exceptions from high security click on "Edit Site List"
  • Copy the URL of the Website till the first "/" (!!!) into the Exceptions List and choose "Add"
  • Confirm the warning message with "Continue"
  • Confirm all open Windows with "OK"
  • Close your browser, start it again and load the Website with the Java Applet
  • Activate the Applet with a click on "Activate Java Platform SE 8 U" and allow the execution as your need
  • Now you see a warning message instead of an error message. After confirmation the applet will run.

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