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TeilnehmerIn in ABI
TeilnehmerIn ((short description what this page is about)) Section 1 ((content)) Section 2 ((content)) Comments
ThesesHome in ABI
Theses Page OUTDATED! Go to: https://kvv.imp.fu Available topics * If you are interested in doing your thesis in algorithmic bioinformatic…
ThesisAnnoAlign in ABI
Page ThesisAnnoAlign Brief overview Next generation sequencing methods have given rise to a whole new set of algorithmic problems. Using the principles of huge a…
ThesisAnnoAlignReports in ABI
Page ThesisAnnoAlignReports Back to ThesisAnnoAlign. Week 0 (21.10.2009 25.10.2009) * First meeting with David and Marcel * Recieved topic and short i…
ThesisApproxHammingMatch in ABI
Approximate String Matching (Hamming Distance) This Bachelor thesis gets you in touch with current research for string matching, modern implementation in C /SeqAn…
ThesisBScMyriMatch in ABI
Implementation and Evaluation of a Myrimatch Adapter Student Dimitri Schachmann Academic Advisor Prof. Dr. Knut Reinert, Chris Bielow Expose The goal of…
ThesisCNVs in ABI
Page ThesisCNVs Detektion von Copy Number Variationen in Sequenzierdaten $ Student: Kerstin Neubert $ Betreuer: Anne Katrin Emde, Prof. Dr. Knut Reinert Z…
ThesisGPGPUSeqan in ABI
Page ThesisGPGPUSeqan Myers Bit Vector Algorithm on GPU for Seqan Massiv parallelization of Myers Fast Bit Vector Algorithm for Approximate String Matchinsg us…
ThesisGenomesPerMail in ABI
Page ThesisGenomesPerMail ((short description what this page is about)) Expose Rene, please write an expose for the thesis here with the following tasks. Task…
ThesisIncrementalIndices in ABI
Page ThesisIncrementalIndices ((short description what this page is about)) Currently working On Performance tests and improvement of Journal String Class Secti…
ThesisMCRazer in ABI
ThesisMCRazer Check, whether abstract, description, and literature are in CMS Parallelization of RazerS $ Student: Martin Riese $ Academic Advisor: David W…
ThesisMCRazerInOfficialMain in ABI
Page ThesisMCRazerInOfficialMain * Weekly reports * TODO * Parallel Options * Results * Versions
ThesisMCRazerMcSpeedDifferentNumberOfCores in ABI
Page ThesisMCRazerMcSpeedDifferentNumberOfCores * Auf Tanne * Reference: chr22.fa * Reads: SRR006387.fastq_1.00000 (100,000) cores real time *cp…
ThesisMCRazerMcWindowBlock in ABI
Page ThesisMCRazerMcWindowBlock * Auf Tanne * Reference: chr22.fa * Reads: SRR006387.fastq_1.00000 * Used real part of time out put due to the lack of…
ThesisMCRazerParallelOptions in ABI
Page ThesisMCRazerParallelOptions Option Details and Options Pro Contra TBB? Parallelize by Genome /RazerS Piktogram Parallel by G…
ThesisMCRazerQgrams in ABI
Page ThesisMCRazerQgrams * 5 Millionen Reads von Yuruba auf Chromosom 22 (ca. 2x35Mb) * id i 98 nc 8 bt 1 ws 50000 * razerMC 1.3 * Matches beinha…
ThesisMCRazerResults in ABI
Page ThesisMCRazerResults * Open addressing * speed test * size * higher Q's * speed test 1 * window * parallel by reads * spe…
ThesisMCRazerSizeOA in ABI
Page ThesisMCRazerSizeOA * 7,000,000 reads * Yoruba * q length sa length dir size normal (Mb) size open addressing (Mb) * 11 626700240 99374…
ThesisMCRazerSpeedOA in ABI
Page ThesisMCRazerSpeedOA what was the used q here? Can you make for a first estimate q =10, q=14, q=22 (f course only in open adressing?) Next question would be,...
ThesisMCRazerVersions in ABI
Page ThesisMCRazerVersions Version of Parallel RazerS: Number Revision Remarks 1.0 5414 With smaller critical reagion, Option to set the number of t…
ThesisMCRazerWeeklyReports in ABI
Page ThesisMCRazerWeeklyReports Week 1 (25.1.) * Q gram index with open hashing Week 2 (1.2.) * Adapt mapRead functions to parallelism * Overview over …
ThesisMCRazerWorkPlan in ABI
ThesisMCRazerWorkPlan * Implementieren des Open hashing Q gram index * Paralleles filtern der Referenz in über kürzere Abschnitte dann parallel verifizieren (...
ThesisMeganRazers in ABI
Page ThesisMeganRazers brief overview * continue/finish implementation of RazerBlastS, an adaptation of RazerS, aimed at providing BLAST like options and comp…
ThesisMeganRazersReports in ABI
Page ThesisMeganRazersReports Weekly Reports for the Bachelor Thesis
ThesisNGSOverlap in ABI
Overlap Module for NGS Pipeline Summary The overlap module merges the information retained by read mapping to a genome with annotation information (for example g…
ThesisNgsCleaning in ABI
NGS Data Cleaning TODO: Manuel Note that we can shift the focus of the thesis much stronger towards programming/implementation if you want to program! Next Genera…
ThesisPalindromes in ABI
Complemented palindromes Zusammenfassung Implementierung und Vergleich drei verschiedener Ansätze zum Finden von maximalen, komplementären Palindromen einer sign…
ThesisPalindromesBerichte in ABI
Wochenberichte Woche 1 * naiven (brute force) Algorithmus zum finden von Palindromen implementiert * externe inverteted suffix array Struktur implementiert…
ThesisParallelismInSeqan in ABI
Parallelism In The SeqAn Library The purpose of this thesis is to allow
ThesisParallelismInSeqanPatterns in ABI
Parallelism In The SeqAn Library: Patterns for Parallelization A brief summary of patterns for parallelization, based on Massingill et al. 2000 . Finding Concur…
ThesisParallelismInSeqanWeeklyReports in ABI
Parallelism In The SeqAn Library: #8220;Weekly #8221; Reports Weekly reports about ThesisParallelismInSeqan. General * 05/08 #8211;05/11: * Work on pre…
ThesisParallelismInSeqanWorkSchedule in ABI
Parallelism In The SeqAn Library: Schedule Tentative Schedule Tentative total: 25 weeks. Review of existing literature and other implementations (2 #8211;4 weeks…
ThesisProposals in ABI
Thesis Proposals OUTDATED! Go to: https://kvv.imp.fu Here is the section for BSc and MSc students. At the beginning of the thesis the student …
ThesisSCFGs in ABI
Page ThesisSCFGs ((short description what this page is about)) (1) The software part and what has been done so far: parsing of scfg data from files transforma…
ThesisScalingGenomeAlignment in ABI
Scaling genome alignment to hundreds of genomes Topic With the rapid development of next generation sequencing technologies more and more genomes are being seque…
ThesisScoreMatrix in ABI
Substitution Matrix Generation Algorithms This Bachelor thesis gets you in touch with current research for string matching, modern implementation in C /SeqAn, sou…
ThesisSeqAnBlast in ABI
BLAST Implementation in SeqAn Es soll ein BLASTX (Nukleotidsequenz 6 fach translatieren und gegen Proteindatenbank abgleichen) 'from scratch' für die SeqAn Bib…
TutorS in ABI
List of current tutors Summer Semester 2015 LV (Title) Tutor's Name Tutor's Email Supervisor (Prof/WiMi) … …
39 topic(s) found
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