M&M Gaming Overview
Project Overview:

Mobile Gaming Research:
This reserach field contains the aspect of computer gaming in a mobile environment. Especially the current limitations of handhelds (such as Nintendo DS, Sony PSP or mobile phones) are analyzed. Our goal is to provide helpful solutions, in order to make mobile gaming more attractive.
An example for the work in this section is the integration of instant messengers for mobile devices
The player behavior analysis contains the fundamential aspects of understanding the user. This sections covers a wide variety of different aspects, including player motivation, player behavior and game usage. The main idea of understanding the players' behavior is receiving an idea of how to implement more adoptable software. However, one should keep in mind that the player analysis contains well designed statistical approaches to make the results most reliable.
The number of massive multiplayer online games significantly increased in the last years. Therefore this research field also increased in its importance. Out goal is to understand the current problems in MMOGs and provide ideas to improve certain aspects of massive multiplayer gaming. Examples for these aspect can be:
(a) The redesign of current (multi)server-client architectures.
(b) The analysis of network effects on MMOGs.
(c) The implementation of P2P solutions for a massive multiplayer environment.
(d) The design of middleware applications to provide core functions for MMOGs.