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DAAD Project 2004-2008: Multimedia Technology for Mathematics and Computer Science Education


AG Mathematical Geometry Processing
FB Mathematik und Informatik

Principal Investigator:
Research Team:

Project Partners

Partner in D/Karlsruhe

Partner in RS/Belgrade

Partner in RS/Niš

  • Prof. Dr. Ljubiša M. Kocić, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš
    Email: kocic@elfak.ni.ac.rs
  • Prof. Dr. Predrag Rajković, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš
    Email: pecar@masfak.ni.ac.rs
  • Dr. Vesna Velickovic, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš
    Email: vvesna@bankerinter.net

Partner in HU/Budapest

  • Prof. Dr. Emil Molnár, Head of the Dept. of Geometry, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    Email: emolnar@mail.bme.hu
  • Prof. Dr. Márta Szilvási-Nagy, Dept. of Geometry, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    Email: szilvasi@math.bme.hu

Partner in BG/Sofia

Partner in MK/Skopje

  • Prof. Dr. Sonja Gegovskaja-Zajkova, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University
    Email: szajkova@etf.ukim.edu.mk

Partner in HR/Zagreb

  • Prof. Dr. Sonja Gorjanc, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb
    Email: sgorjanc@grad.hr

DAAD-Sonderprogramm "Akademischer Neuaufbau Südosteuropa"
Jan 01, 2004 — Dec 31, 2008
DAAD Project 2004-2008: Multimedia Technology for Mathematics and Computer Science Education

DAAD Project 2004-2008: Multimedia Technology for Mathematics and Computer Science Education

This project is a university cooperation between the mathematics institutes of FU Berlin with mathematics institutes at the University of Belgrade, the Mathematics institute of SANU (Serbian Academy of Sciences), the faculties of Sciences and Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering and Electronical Engineering at the University of Nis, the department of Mathematics at the University of Sofia and the department of geometry at the University of Technology and Economics in Budapest, the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, the faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Zagreb, and Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe. "Multimedia Technology for Mathematics and Computer Science Education" is a project within the DAAD-Sonderprogramm "Akademischer Neuaufbau Südosteuropa".

Further information is available on the project website.