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Matheon 2002-2006: F1 - Discrete Differential Geometry


AG Mathematical Geometry Processing
FB Mathematik und Informatik

DFG Research Center Matheon "Mathematics for key technologies"
Jun 01, 2002 — May 31, 2006
Matheon 2002-2006: F1 - Discrete Differential Geometry

Matheon 2002-2006: F1 - Discrete Differential Geometry

This is another project within the DFG Research Center MATHEON - "Mathematics for key technologies".  The main goal of this project is the discretization of classical differential geometry: to find proper discrete analogs of differential geometric objects, notions, and methods, and to develop a corresponding theory. Such a discrete differential geometry has applications in computer graphics, numerics, and visualization.

The main goal of this project is the discretization of classical differential geometry: to find proper discrete analogs of differential geometric objects, notions, and methods, and to develop a corresponding theory. Such a discrete differential geometry has applications in computer graphics, numerics, and visualization.