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CookBookSelectNodeClasses in Cluster
Selecting Nodes Classes Node Features Nodes can be selected by adding requirements to your job scripts. Such requirements might be a number of processors per nod…
CookBookSelectNodeClassesTorque in Cluster
Selecting Nodes Classes Node Properties Nodes can be selected by adding requirements to your job scripts. Such requirements might be a number of processors per n…
Hardware in Cluster
The allegro cluster consists of different node types interconnected with InfiniBand. See the following list for details. NodeName Sockets:Threads:Cores Logi…
Storage in Cluster
Cluster Storage Quota Home Every user has 20GB/25GB soft/hard quota in it's home directory. Scratch Up to now, we restrained from applying rigid disc policies …
TorqueAdmin in Cluster
Admin Doku torque OBSOLETE! Neu per slurm at: Admin tasks now in `slurm` Analyse auf welcher Node läuft Job X? qstat n $JOB_ID # oder allgemein qstat n 1 l…
Cluster in Cluster
allegro cluster allegro is a hybrid x86 and GPU cluster and consists of a total of ~1000 cores and roughly 3.5 TB RAM located in different node types. Debian Bu…
WebHomeTorque in Cluster
allegro Cluster allegro allegro is a hybrid x86 and GPU cluster and consists of a total of ~1000 cores and roughly 3.5 TB RAM located in different node types. Th…
WebStatistics in Cluster
Statistics for Cluster Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: …
8 topic(s) found

ItServices in IT
Kurzzusammenfassung Inhaltsverzeichnis IT Dienste Generell teilen sich die IT Dienste am Fachbereich in mehrere Gruppen auf: * ZEDAT Dienste vormals am Fac…
ItServicesTerminalserver in IT
IT Dienst::Terminalserver Der Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik bietet für die Nutzung von LINUX bzw. WINDOWS Programmen zusätzlich zu den vorhandenen Workst…
Maintenance2017_02 in IT
Wartung Fachbereich Mathematik und InformatikIT Dienst Wartungsplanung bzw. status für die IT Wartung am 1. Februar 2017 Details und Zeitplan zu den Wartungsa…
3 topic(s) found

SlurmNodeStatusTable in IT/Internal
SlurmNodeStatusTable Clusterknoten Status boot Anleitung Befehle sind auf allegro(allegro ctrl01) abzusetzen. Einfach nur Rebooten (Nach Updates etc.) Der Befe…
1 topic(s) found