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Contact / Ansprechpartner > international@mi.fu-berlin.de

  1. Erasmus Coordinator Prof. Dr. Agnès Voisard

  2. Assistant of the Erasmus Coordinator Gesine Milde
    (Assistenz der Erasmus-Koordinatorin)

  3. Deputy Coordinator Prof. Dr. Katinka Wolter
    (stellvertretende Koordinatorin)

  4. International Mentors for Math and Computer Science International Mentoring

» Contact 1./2./3. via international@mi.fu-berlin.de » Contact 4. via email addresses provided on website

Email etiquette

Please always bear in mind the following when emailing us:

  1. Use a concise and direct subject line: Subject code + Problem/Enquiry

    The subject line should be simple and reflect the content of your email.

  2. Use an appropriate salutation

    Start your email with a “Dear” or “Hello”, these are appropriate in formal situations. “Hey” or no salutation at all is only ok when you're emailing friends.

  3. Address the recipient appropriately (both title and name)

    Double-check the spelling of your lecturer or tutor’s name and their title. Use 'Professor' or 'Prof.' only for academics with the title 'Professor'. Try to avoid gendered addresses like ‘Mr.’ or ‘Mrs.’
    Some lecturers and tutors might allow you to address them by their first name, but it's better to wait until they have told you that's how they'd prefer you address them. In some cases, you can address your tutor or lecturer by their first name if they have routinely used their first name only to sign off on emails sent to students.

  4. Introduce yourself

    Tell your lecturer who you are, especially if this is the first email you are writing to them. They may have to deal with dozens of emails and students per day.

  5. Keep the body short and straight to the point

    Try to use one paragraph for each idea you want to address.

  6. End with a clear closing

    It's good practice to sign off at the end of an email with a set phrase such as ‘Kind regards’, ‘Best wishes’, or ‘Thanks’, followed by your name.


  1. Send emails from your FU Berlin email address
    If you use a personal email address, it may be filtered as spam.

  2. Try to figure out the problem by yourself first
    If you cannot find a suitable answer, then email. Check the information that is already available on the websites before emailing.

  3. Proofread before sending
    Always read through your email before you click the ‘Send' button. Have you included an appropriate salutation, title and sign off? Is your spelling and grammar correct? Grammarly is a useful (and free) tool for identifying mistakes.

Source: https://students.unimelb.edu.au/academic-skills/resources/learning-online/email-etiquette#Five%20top%20tips