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Semantic Business Process Management (Vorlesung und Übung)

Understanding Business Process Management in its industrial application and implementation with mature IT and Web technologies in combination with modern Corporate Semantic Web  technologies. Learn about methods, technologies, standards and tools in Semantic Business Process Management.
Dozent/inAdrian Paschke
RaumArnimallee 3, HS 01 (lecture) and Takustraße 9 SR 049 (exercise)

Tuesday 12 - 14  (lecture) and Tuesday 14 - 16 Uhr (exercise)

Lecture (Tuesday 12 - 14 pm - Arnimallee 3, HS 01)





Arnimallee 3, HS 01 Organization and Overview
16.4. Arnimallee 3, HS 01 Introduction Business Process Management
23.4 Arnimallee 3, HS 01 Modeling with UML
30.4. Arnimallee 3, HS 01 BPMN
7.5. Arnimallee 3, HS 01 Semantic Model Driven Architecture
14.5. Arnimallee 3, HS 01 Web Services Computing
21.5. Arnimallee 3, HS 01 BPEL
28.5. Arnimallee 3, HS 01 Semantic Technologies I - ODM
4.6. Arnimallee 3, HS 01 Semantic Technologies II - Semantic Web
11.6. Arnimallee 3, HS 01 Semantic Business Rules - SBVR, PRR, RIF, RuleML  (+ additional reading material)
18.6. Arnimallee 3, HS 01 IT Service Management (ITSM, ITIL)
18.6. Arnimallee 3, HS 01 Semantic Web Services (+ additional reading material)
25.6. Arnimallee 3, HS 01 Semantic Business Process Management (+ additional reading material Semtation SemTalk, Tibco Rules, Tibco EDBPM)
25.6. Arnimallee 3, HS 01 Summary
9.7. Arnimallee 3, HS 01 Final Exam

 Exercise  (Tuesday 14 - 16 pm - Takusstr. 9, SR 49)




Takusstr. 9, SR 49 Slides, Exercise 1
23.4. Takusstr. 9, SR 49 Slides, Exercise 2, UMLDemoProject
30.4. Takusstr. 9, SR 49 Slides, Exercise 3, BPMNDemoProject, BPMN2.0Poster
7.5. Takusstr. 9, SR 49 Slides, Exercise 4, BPMNDemo Project 2
14.5. Takusstr. 9, SR 49 Slides, Exercise 5
21.5. Takusstr. 9, SR 49 Slides, Exercise 6, Greeting.zip, Calculator.zip, Solutions.zip
28.5. Takusstr. 9, SR 49 Slides
4.6. Takusstr. 9, SR 49 Slides, Exercise 8, VOM Plugin
11.6. Takusstr. 9, SR 49 Slides, Exercise 9
18.6. Takusstr. 9, SR 49 Slides, Execise 10, SimpleLoanContracts.rar
25.6. Takusstr. 9, SR 49 Slides 11 - Rule Responder and Prova
2.7. Takusstr. 9, SR 49 Q&A Exam Preparation
9.7. Takusstr. 9, SR 49 Final Exam

Prof. Dr. Adrian Paschke paschke AT inf.fu-berlin.de