Publikationen 2008
Books and Book Chapters
Expertise bewerben und finden im Social Semantic Web
Axel Polleres, Malgorzata Mochol: Expertise bewerben und finden im Social Semantic Web. Social Semantic Web. Web 2.0 - Was nun? Blumauer, Andreas; Pellegrini, Tassilo (Editor), 2008.
Rule-Based Service Level Agreements - Knowledge Representation for Automated e-Contract, SLA and Policy Management
Adrian Paschke: Rule-Based Service Level Agreements - Knowledge Representation for Automated e-Contract, SLA and Policy Management. Knowledge Representation for Automated e-Contract, SLA and Policy Management. ISBN 978-3-88793-221-3, Muenchen, 2008.
A Case Study in Building Semantic eRecruitment Applications
Elena Simperl, Malgorzata Mochol: A Case Study in Building Semantic eRecruitment Applications. Semantic Web for Business: Cases and Applications, R. Garcia (Editor), Sept. 2008.
Rule Representation, Interchange and Reasoning on the Web
Nick Bassiliades, Guido Governatori, Adrian Paschke: Rule Representation, Interchange and Reasoning on the Web. Proceedings of The 2008 International Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications (RuleML-2008), Orlando, Florida, USA, 30-31 Oct. 2008.
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Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences
Albert Burger, Adrian Paschke, Paolo Romano, Andrea Splendiani: Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences. Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences (SWAT4LS), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 28 Nov. 2008.
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Tutorials, Keynotes, Invited Talks, Panels
Quo vadis – Emerging Business Rules and Complex Event Processing Technologies
Adrian Paschke: Quo vadis – Emerging Business Rules and Complex Event Processing Technologies. Invited Talk at European Business Rules Conference 2008 (EBRC 2008), Munich, Germany, 17 July 2008.
Keynote: Towards an Ubiquitous Pragmatic Web
Adrian Paschke: Keynote: Towards an Ubiquitous Pragmatic Web. Keynote at Systemic and Informatics World Network Congress 2008 (SIWN 2008), Glasgow, UK, 22-24 July 2008.
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Panel: Event Processing Standards? – What? When? Why? How they are related to other standards?
Adrian Paschke: Panel: Event Processing Standards? – What? When? Why? How they are related to other standards?. Panel at at Event Processing Technical Symposium 2008 (EPTS 2008), Stanford, USA, Sept. 2008.
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Prova, Rule Responder and Reaction RuleML for intelligent CEP
Adrian Paschke: Prova, Rule Responder and Reaction RuleML for intelligent CEP. Talk at Event Processing Technical Symposium 2008 (EPTS 2008), Stanford, USA, Sept. 2008.
The Corporate Semantic Web
Robert Tolksdorf: The Corporate Semantic Web. Invited Talk at Applications of Semantic Web Technologies Workshop 2008 (AST 2008), 9 Sept. 2008.
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Semantic Web Rule Standards
Adrian Paschke: Semantic Web Rule Standards. Invited Talk at EDOC 2008 Workshop on Standardization and Implementation of Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for the Enterprise (EDOC'08 VorStand), Munich, Germany, 15-19 Sept. 2008.
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Corporate Wikis
Adrian Paschke: Corporate Wikis. Moderated Panel at Corporate Wiki Infotag at Xinnovations 2008, 22 Sept. 2008.
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Corporate Semantic Web
Adrian Paschke: Corporate Semantic Web. EsPrestoAG Workshop "Business Meets Research", Berlin, Germany, 16 Oct. 2008.
Interoperability Issues, Ontology Matching and MOMA
Malgorzata Mochol: Interoperability Issues, Ontology Matching and MOMA. International Conference on Semantic Systems (I-SEMANTICS), Graz, Austria, 3-5 Sept. 2008.
Knowledge representation concepts for automated SLA management
Adrian Paschke, Martin Bichler: Knowledge representation concepts for automated SLA management. Elsevier Decision Support Systems (DSS). 46, 1 (Dec. 2008), Dec. 2008.
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Conferences and Workshops
Trend Mining with Semantic-Based Learning
Olga Streibel: Trend Mining with Semantic-Based Learning. European Semantic Web Conference ESWC2008, Ph.D. Symposium, Tenerife, Spain, 2008.
Efficient content location in massively distributed triplespaces
Kia Teymourian, Lyndon Nixon: Efficient content location in massively distributed triplespaces. In 5th OnTheMove, International Workshop On Semantic Extensions to Middleware: Enabling Large Scale Knowledge Applications, Monterrey, Mexico, 2008.
Implementation of a novel semantic web middleware approach based on triplespaces
Kia Teymourian, Lyndon Nixon, Daniel Wutke, Reto Krummenacher, Hans Moritsch: Implementation of a novel semantic web middleware approach based on triplespaces. In IEEE International Conference on Semantc Computing, pages 518-523, (ICSC 2008), 2008.
Triple space as a global semantic coordination middleware. In 17th IEEE International Workshop on Enabling Technologies
Lyndon Nixon, Kia Teymourian, Daniel Martin, Daniel Wutke: Triple space as a global semantic coordination middleware. In 17th IEEE International Workshop on Enabling Technologies. In 17th IEEE International Workshop on Enabling Technologies. In 17th IEEE International Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises, pages 518-523, Rome, Italy, 2008.
Towards Knowledge in the Cloud
Davide Cerri, Emanuele Della Valle, David de Francisco Marcos, Fausto Giunchiglia, Dalit Naor, Lyndon J. B. Nixon, Kia Teymourian, Philipp Obermeier, Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann, Reto Krummenacher, Elena Paslaru Bontas Simperl: Towards Knowledge in the Cloud. OTM Workshops 2008: 986-995, Monterrey, Mexico, 2008.
A Rule-based Middleware for Business Process Execution
Adrian Paschke, Alexander Kozlenkov: A Rule-based Middleware for Business Process Execution. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik / Multi-Conference Information Systems (MKWI 2008), Munich, Germany, 26-28 Feb. 2008. (pdf)
A Generic Corporate Ontology Lifecycle
Markus Luczak-Rösch, Ralf Heese: A Generic Corporate Ontology Lifecycle. 3rd Workshop on Semantic Wikis, European Semantic Web Conference, June 2008.
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Semantic-Based Learning Method for Trend Recognition in Simple Hybrid Information Systems
Olga Streibel: Semantic-Based Learning Method for Trend Recognition in Simple Hybrid Information Systems. Conference on Advanced Information Systems CAiSE2008, Doctoral Consortium, Montpellier, France, June 2008.
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Extending the Makna Semantic Wiki to supportWorkflows
Karsten Dello, Lyndon Nixon, and Robert Tolksdorf: Extending the Makna Semantic Wiki to supportWorkflows. In Christoph Lange, Sebastian Schaffert, Hala Skaf-Molli, and Max Völkel (Editors), Proceedings of the 3rd Semantic Wiki Workshop (SemWiki 2008) at the 5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2008), volume Vol-360 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Tenerife, Spain, 2 June 2008.
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Quo vadis – Emerging Business Rules and Complex Event Processing Technologies
Adrian Paschke: Quo vadis – Emerging Business Rules and Complex Event Processing Technologies. 7th European Business Rules Conference (EBRC'08), Munich, Germany, 16-18 June 2008.
Design Patterns for Complex Event Processing
Adrian Paschke: Design Patterns for Complex Event Processing. 2nd International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS'08), Rome, Italy, 1-4 July 2008.
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Event-Driven Business Process Management
Ammon, R., Emmersberger, C., Greiner, T., Paschke, A., Springer, F., Wolff, C.: Event-Driven Business Process Management. 2nd International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS'08), Rome, Italy, 1-4 July 2008.
Simple Back-end Services for Corporate Semantic Web
Robert Tolksdorf, Radoslaw Oldakowski, Thomas Hoppe: Simple Back-end Services for Corporate Semantic Web. 3rd International Workshop on Applications of Semantic Technologies (AST 2008) at INFORMATIK 2008, Munich, Germany, Sept. 2008.
Managing Ontology Lifecycles in Corporate Settings
Markus Luczak-Rösch and Ralf Heese: Managing Ontology Lifecycles in Corporate Settings. International Conference on Semantic Systems (I-SEMANTICS), Graz, Austria, 3-5 Sept. 2008.
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Ontologiemodularisierung im Unternehmenskontext
Gökhan Coskun: Ontologiemodularisierung im Unternehmenskontext. Poster Session, STI Berlin & CSW PhD Workshop 2008, co-located with Xinnovations 2008, 22 Sept. 2008.
Rule Responder HCLS eScience Infrastructure
Adrian Paschke: Rule Responder HCLS eScience Infrastructure. 3rd International Conference on the Pragmatic Web (ICPW08), Uppsala, Sweden, 28-30 Sept. 2008.
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Towards a rule-based matcher selection
Malgorzata Mochol, Anja Jentzsch: Towards a rule-based matcher selection. 6th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management Knowledge Patterns (EKAW2008), Acitrezza, Catania, Italy, 29 Sept. - 3 Oct. 2008.
Please Pass the Rules: A Rule Interchange Demonstration
Gary Hallmark, Christian de Sainte Marie, Marcos Didonet Del Fabro, Patrick Albert, Adrian Paschke: Please Pass the Rules: A Rule Interchange Demonstration. The International RuleML Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications (RuleML 2008), Orlando, Florida, 30-31 Oct. 2008.
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Reports / Other Publications
Towards Corporate Semantic Web: Requirements and Use Cases
Gökhan Coskun, Ralf Heese, Markus Luczak-Rösch, Radoslaw Oldakowski, Ralph Schäfermeier, Olga Streibel, and Adrian Paschke: Towards Corporate Semantic Web: Requirements and Use Cases. FU Berlin Technical Report B-08-09, Aug. 2008.
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W3C RIF Use Cases and Requirements
Adrian Paschke, David Hirtle, Allen Ginsberg, Paula-Lavinia Patranjan, Frank McCabe: W3C RIF Use Cases and Requirements. W3C Working Draft 18 December 2008, Dec. 2008.
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W3C RIF Core
Harold Boley, Gary Hallmark, Michael Kifer, Adrian Paschke, Axel Polleres, Dave Reynolds: W3C RIF Core. W3C Working Draft 18 December 2008, Dec. 2008.
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W3C RIF Production Rule Dialect
Christian de Sainte Marie, Adrian Paschke, Gary Hallmark: W3C RIF Production Rule Dialect. W3C Working Draft 18 December 2008, Dec. 2008.
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W3C RIF Test Cases
Stella Mitchell, Leora Morgenstern, Adrian Paschke: W3C RIF Test Cases. W3C Working Draft 18 December 2008, Dec. 2008.
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Posters / Demos / Presentations
Complex Event Processing
Adrian Paschke: Complex Event Processing. Presentation at Workshop on priorities for the EU FP7 WP2009-10, ICT Challenge 1.2: Service and Software Architectures, Infrastructures and Engineering, Brussels, Belgium, 4-4 May 2008.
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DSWiki, Plattform für verbandsinternes Wissensmanagement
Markus Luczak-Rösch: DSWiki, Plattform für verbandsinternes Wissensmanagement. Invited Talk at National Symposium on Controlling, Accounting, and Internal Revision 2008 of the Deutsches Studentenwerk e.V., Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, 12 June 2008.
Semantic Business Process Management
Adrian Paschke: Semantic Business Process Management. Presentation at 1st International Workshop on Event-Driven Business Process Management (edBPM08) at EU ServiceWave 2008, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 2008.
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