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SoSe 2016

Unless otherwise specified, all talks take place in room 119, Arnimallee 3 and begin at 16:15.


25th April 2016

David Ploog (FU-Berlin)

Rigid and spherelike divisors on surfaces

Abstract: We look at effective divisors on surfaces with interesting numerical, intersection, and cohomological behaviour. The simplest kind of example are trees of -2-curves, which include the exceptional divisors of ADE singularities. This picture extends nicely to other negative divisors. There will be many examples. Joint work with Andreas Hochenegger.

2nd May  2016 

Lars Kastner (FU-Berlin)

Toroidal varieties

9th May 2016

Lars Kastner (FU-Berlin)

Semi stable reduction

16th May 2016: Pentecost