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Math. Kolloquium: "Graphs and generalized configuration spaces"

01.11.2012 | 17:00 c.t.

Spencer Bloch (Chicago)


The configuration space associated to a space X and an integer n is simply X^n - all large diagonals. What happens when instead of all large diagonals, we only remove some large diagonals? For example, we could remove points where two adjacent coordinates are equal. When X is an algebraic variety, this leads to the motivic fundamental group as constructed by Deligne-Goncharov.  When X is a finite set of points one gets Potts models. As periods one finds generalizations of iterated integrals and multiple polylogarithms. The Connes-Kreimer hopf algebra of rooted trees appears as group law when one considers composition of paths for generalized iterated integrals.


ab  16:45 Uhr,
Arnimallee 3,  Raum 006


Koordinator:  Prof. Dr. Alexander Schmitt


Zeit & Ort

01.11.2012 | 17:00 c.t.

Institut für Mathematik, Hörsaal 1, Arnimallee 3