Oliver Rinne (MPI Golm): The interplay between analytical and numerical methods in general relativity
Abstract: Numerical relativity has seen major breakthroughs in recent years. Simulations of binary black hole collisions, a long-standing unsolved problem, have by now become standard. Aside from these astrophysical applications, there are many problems in mathematical relativity into which numerical calculations can provide valuable insight, and where in turn the numerics benefit from an improved mathematical understanding of the field equations. I will discuss some examples, ranging from the very smallest to the largest length scales, namely gravitational collapse and the treatment of the far field of asymptotically flat spacetimes.
ab 16:45 Uhr,
Arnimallee 3, Raum 006
Koordinator: Prof. Dr. Alexander Schmitt
Zeit & Ort
31.05.2012 | 17:00 c.t.
Institut für Mathematik<br> Arnimallee 3, HS 001