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MATH+ Vortragsreihe: Dr. Nora Molkenthin

Oct 08, 2019 | 04:15 PM

Dr. Nora Molkenthin, Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation, Göttingen

Collective formation processes of dynamic networks

In systems with many units, the structure of their interaction often has significant impact on the behaviour of the system as a whole. Complex networks provide a unique tool for describing and investigating such systems, especially in the absence of symmetry. However, many of the available methods are more focused on specific static networks, while for many of the most interesting systems the interaction structure itself is subject to dynamical changes.

In my work I have found many examples where the study of the dynamics giving rise to the interaction structures gave deep and novel insights into systems. In this talk I will focus on two examples from social networks and on-demand ride-sharing. The wide range of examples where this approach has been successful, leads to the question how these individual examples could be reflected in a wider theory for studying dynamical structure formation.

Time & Location

Oct 08, 2019 | 04:15 PM

Institut für Mathematik, Arnimallee 7, Raum E31, 14195 Berlin