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Bachelor Thesis Defense: "Entwicklung eines Klassifizierers für die Aufgaben von Bots auf Wikidata" by Ronald Scheffler

News from Jan 21, 2019

January 23rd, 1PM, the Thesis Defense: "Entwicklung eines Klassifizierers für die Aufgaben von Bots auf Wikidata" by Ronald Scheffler will take place at HCC.lab.


The Wikidata project serves as a repository for structured data of all related Wiki projects and uses bots for automated moderation of its content and to support human users. The focus of this work is on the creation of a classifier for bots in the Wikidata project, a description and analysis of the tasks performed by bots and their scope. This classification should help to gain a better understanding of the requirements for moderating large data collections and how they can be managed with the help of bots.

The defence will be held in german.

First assessor: Prof. Dr. Claudia Müller-Birn
Second assessor: Prof. Dr. Lutz Prechelt

Location: HCC.lab Königin-Luise-Straße 24/26, room 120

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