19201901 Functional Analysis
- FU-Students should register via Campus Management.
- Non-FU-students should register via MyCampus/Whiteboard.
Winter Term 2020/2021
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Holger Reich
Time and place:
Lecture: Tuesday and Thursday 10:00--12:00h, online
Exercises: Thursday 14:00--16:00h, online -
Criteria: weekly exercises, regular participation in the excercise session, exam
- Oral Exam: Feb.22nd, Feb.23rd and Feb.24th, 2021.
Target group: Students from the 3rd/4th semester on.
Requirements: Analysis I/II and Linear Algebra I/II.
In order to receive the information for the online sessions please register via Campus Management or MyCampus/Whiteboard. All further information and the course materials will be posted in Whiteboard.
Some key words and concepts: normed vector spaces, metric spaces, topological spaces, bounded operators, Hilbert spaces, dual spaces, compact operator, Hilbert-Schmidt operator, trace class operator, polar decomposition, spectral theory of compact operators, spectrum of a bounded operator, functional calculus.
- Hirzebruch, Friedrich and Scharlau, Winfried: Einführung in die Funktionalanalysis, Spektrum Verlag
- Rudin, Walter: Functional Analysis, McGraw Hill 1991
- Werner, Dirk: Funktionalanalysis, Springer-Verlag
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