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Bastian van de Wetering:

Entwicklung einer Usability-Lösung zur Korrektur fehlerhafter Daten bei mobilen Visitenkartenscannern


  • Swift
Academic Advisor
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)



Business card scanners can be classified as business management software and serve the purpose of increasing the productivity of the user. A classic field of application are so-called sales fairs, in which sales staff hold many customer meetings one after the other, between which they have to create a new contact with the corresponding customer note in the system - often under time pressure. If this process is poorly solved, the loss of time adds up to a significant cost factor when repeated use is made. The usability of the application thus has a direct influence on the productivity of the user.

Smartphones are a special case. These are often used both privately and professionally, with the result that expectations regarding hedonic quality, especially aesthetics, are higher than, for example, at the work PC. In addition, the business card scanners available in the App or Playstore are exposed to a special competitive situation, since the purpose of use is very homogeneous, and these are therefore very easy to compare with each other.

If the used business card scanner causes stress or even frustration due to complicated operation, the user will look for an alternative in the medium term. At the same time, a bad user experience leads to bad ratings on the portals, which in turn are decisive for the success of an application.


Business card scanners use OCR technology to read the contact data and assign it to the contact form. Errors occur during readout and assignment. For example, vertical hyphens are often used on business cards, which are incorrectly interpreted as "1" or small "L" during conversion. Address supplements, name titles or job titles are also often incorrectly assigned or not assigned at all.

In order to handle errors, the editing function provided by the operating system is usually used for the common business card scanners. In order to enter the editing mode, the user presses the position to be corrected a little longer until a cursor appears, with whose help he can edit the position again. If the text is very small, it is difficult to find the correct position immediately. A double click on the word to be corrected works a bit better. This marks the whole text block and instead of a simple cursor two cursors appear, which are provided with a pinhead, with whose help these can be moved.

Most business card scanners display the corresponding business card section enlarged in editing mode, so the user can compare with the original when correcting.

Until today, the author only knows one application that deals with the problem of incorrectly assigned fields. The Android application Business Card Reader for HubSpot CRM displays an exchange symbol behind each field of the contact form. If a contact element has been incorrectly assigned, the user can tap the symbol to open a selection of the remaining contact fields and select the correct element. Other applications do not explicitly handle the case of incorrectly assigned fields. Fields that have been changed must be completely rewritten using the normal editing mode.


In the course of this work a module shall be developed which solves the correction process of business card scanners with regard to usability better than established applications. For this purpose, two control elements or features will be developed which deal with the problem of swapped assignment and incorrect contact data.

Drag&Drop Feature - To correct incorrectly assigned contact elements in a user-friendly way, it should be possible in the module to be developed to drag and drop the contact elements to the correct position. The contact elements are visually highlighted to suggest to the user that the elements are mobile. If such an element is dragged into a contact field and released, the contact field ensures that the element is integrated into existing elements.

Edit Feature - in edit mode, the element is greatly enlarged and displayed in a scrabble-like letter grid, so that the user hits the area that is to be corrected better with his finger.


The procedure will be based on the user-centered design process, i.e. it will be carried out iteratively and by involving a test user group.

At the beginning of the first iteration, a test group has to be put together to be used for evaluation. The test group itself should reflect the user group of business card scanners as far as possible.

There will be at least one iteration in which the concept is planned and implemented. The evaluation after the development may result in further iterations.

The project created for the work will not contain an independent scanner.

Both features can be integrated into the project separately from each other, which makes it possible to have them evaluated in isolation by the test users.

  • Module 1 - the form gets neither of the two features. The user can only make corrections using the editing function provided by the operating system.
  • Module 2 - the user gets the edit feature to correct erroneous data.
  • Module 3 - the user gets the Drag&Drop feature to correct erroneous data.
  • Module 4 - the user gets the Edit and Drag&Drop features to correct erroneous data.


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