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Softwareprojekt Mobilkommunikation

In this course, students will conduct hands-on research on exemplary topics from the field of mobile communications. Participants have to dig into the foundations of wireless communication techniques, learn how to work with them, and become acquainted with the advantages and flaws of current and upcoming technologies.

The focus of the course is on the area of software architecture for mobile devices. We intend to design, implement and evaluate a state-of-the-art application using frameworks for distributed application development such as Google's Android.


Dozent/inDr. Georg Wittenburg
InstitutionInstitute of Computer Science
Freie Universität Berlin
SemesterSS 09
RaumTakustraße 9 K 60
Office Hours: n.V.
Time: Thursday, 14:00-18:00 (c.t.)



Knowledge of telematics and (preferably) embedded programming.

Softwareprojekt Mobilkommunikation

ECTS-credits: 10 (4 SWS)
KVV page
Project Forum: http://mobkomm.phpbb8.de/


Adrian A. Android Simulator / Hello World (talk), Project Plan for Phase I, GUI Phase I
Anja C. Peer-to-Peer (talk)
Michael D. Introduction to Android (talk), GUI Phase I, DATA/GUI Integration, NET/GUI Integration, LinuxTag '09, LinuxTag 2009 (talk), Demonstration, Abschlussbericht (Profilverwaltung), Abschlussdemonstration (Profilverwaltung)
Carlos D. Android Simulator / Hello World (talk), Project Plan for Phase I, GUI Phase I, NET/GUI Integration, Demonstration, Abschlusspräsentation (Profilverwaltung)
Alexander E. Android API - Networking (talk), Project Plan for Phase I, DATA Phase I, P2P Phase II (Protocols), FileTransferService, Abschlussbericht (Einleitung)
Karsten G. Android Java Specifics / Basic IO (talk), Bridging between Simulators, NET Phase I (Server), NET (Client/Server) Integration, OpenStreetMap Application, Abschlussbericht (Client/Server - Komponenten und Interfaces), Abschlussdemonstration (Karten und Positionierung)
Oliver K. Introduction to Android (talk), GUI Phase I
Janos K. Android API - UI (talk), Project Plan for Phase I, Forum, P2P Phase I, P2P Phase II (Architecture), P2P Adapter
L. AiQuan Version Control / SVN (talk), Project Plan for Phase I, P2P Phase I, P2P Phase (Protocols), Abschlusspräsentation (Introduction/Conclusion)
Thilo M. Android Java Specifics / Basic IO (talk), Bridging between Simulators, NET Phase I (Client), NET (Client/Server) Integration, NET/GUI Integration, OpenStreetMap Application, LinuxTag '09, Android Security (talk), Abschlussbericht (Karten und Positionierung)
Christoph M. Peer-to-Peer (talk)
Lars R. Android API - UI (talk), DATA Phase I, DATA/GUI Integration, DATA Phase II, P2P Phase II (Architecture), LinuxTag '09, LinuxTag 2009 (talk), Abschlussbericht (Datenhaltung)
Silke R. Android API - Networking (talk), Project Plan for Phase I, DATA Phase I, P2P Phase II (Architecture), P2P Adapter, FileTransferService, Abschlussbericht (Zusammenfassung)
Ronald S. Software Engineering (talk), Project Plan for Phase I, NET Phase I (Client), P2P Phase II (Architecture), P2P Adapter, Abschlussbericht (Architektur)
Hans-Christoph S. Version Control / SVN (talk), Project Plan for Phase I, Planning Phase I (discussion), P2P Phase I, P2P Phase II (Protocols), Android Port, Abschlussbericht (DHT-Protokoll), Abschlussdemonstration (DHT auf Android)
Till W. Software Engineering (talk), Project Plan for Phase I
Sebastian W. Planning (talk), Project Plan for Phase I, P2P Phase I, P2P Phase II (Protocols), Android Port, Abschlussbericht (P2P - Komponenten und Interfaces), Abschlussdemonstration (DHT auf Android)
W. Yu Version Control / SVN (talk), Project Plan for Phase I, NET Phase I (Server), P2P Phase II (Protocols), Abschlussbericht (Client/Server - Protokoll)








