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Installation on Windows OS

Installation on Windows OS

Windows XP (also works for other Windows versions)


  • Installed operation syste
  • Installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

    1. Download the ScatterWeb Software

  • Please download the software from here.

    2. unpack the zip file

    Please unzip the downlaoded software to a temporary folder.

    3. Install GNU C compiler

    The GNU C compiler can be found in your temporary folder, in the subfolder Compiler. Simply execute the installer and install with standard settings. Wait for the installation process to finish.

    4. start the solution

    In the source folder is a zip file, that should be extracted to the workspace. You will find two folders
    1. Applications
    2. System
    The Application Folder contains a solution file in the folder [EMPTY]. By clicking on a solution file in the Source folder the solution will open in Visual Studio.
    The System folder contains the source files for the core features of the ScatterWeb system.

    5. Compile the solution

    In the menu click Build and than Build Solution to build the solution.

    6. Flash bin file to CPU

    In the MSB subfolder of the Application folder a flash.bat file can be found that when excecuted will flash the output file from Visual Studio to the device. the flash file can be integrated into the Visual Studio Menu bar.
    For that, use the menu entry external tools and configure it as shown below.

    Give the tool a name and use the flash.bat file as the command by choosing it through the file selection window after clicking on the three dots.

    Then press OK to submit your selection.

    After this step you can find the menu entry flashMSP in the tools menu item.

    7. Program your own application.

    Now you can modify the code inside the project and freely programm an application of your choice.