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Installation on Linux OS


Installation on Linux OS

(Fedora Core 3)

Note: Some parts (Ports, commands, ...) may differ using other
Linux distributions.


1. Download and unpack the archiv.

Please download the ScatterWeb software. Extract the downloaded file and all subfolders to a development folder.

unzip ScatterWeb2_Source.zip

2. Change to root

After downloading and unpacking theScatterWeb2_Source.zip file change to root in your terminal (Currently, the installation is only executable as root).


3. Change to the directory with the development tools.

cd ScatterWeb2_Source.zip\System\bin

4. The compiler and tools

The compiler gcc, some helper tools and the most important libraries for the MSP430 microcontroller platform are translated. And can be found at sourceforge.After installation, all tools and libraries are in the directory /usr/local/msp430/. If you want to change that path, give your own path to the install.sh script as an argument (Note: you will have to set the environment variables by yourself if you change the path). ./install.sh

4. The rest of the installation can be done with your normal account.

exit root and cd ..

5. shell access to tools

In order to find the tools and libraries by the shell, the path to to the development tools has to be added to the standard path. Additonally, the libraries for the MSP430 must be found by the crosslinker. Therefore, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be updated. The setPathes.sh script adds both commands to the .bashrc file in your home directory.



This script starts a proxy (do it in a seperate console, as the proxy must run during the whole development work). The proxy sets up a connection between the parallel port and the TCP/IP network. The debugger gdb is connected over the internal network with the parallel port. Thereafter, you can flash your programms to the microcontroller and debug them on the fly on the microcontroller. Important: The user must have access to the parallel interface (e.g. /dev/parport0). Add your login name to the group "lp" in /etc/group (to be done as root). ./mspProxy.sh


Change to the directory from the archiv above. cd apps/esb/


With make the files in firmware/src/ as well as in appa/esb/src are translated and linked. The object and binary files are then in the apps/esb/out/ directory. The .hex file is the file which is exectued on the microprocessor. make


Load the executable hex file on the microcontroller. After a reset of the sensorboard, the program is running on the node. make flash


In order to communicate with the sensor open a new console and start minicom with (add you login name to the group uucp in /etc/group, thus you should get access to /dev/ttyS0) minicom -s Chose "Serial port setup": - Set the serial device to /dev/ttyS0 - Set the Bps/Par/Bits to 115200 8N1 - Set Hardware Flow Control to Yes and Software Flow Control to No - Exit Serial port setup and safe the setup as "dfl". When running minicom you may chose "CTRL-A e" in order to enable local echo. Thus you can see what you enter in the terminal. Now, if connected to the microprocessor you should be able communicate with it.


Communicate There are a lot of commands available. Some off them are listed below: rid //read the id of the sensor sid 0019 //set the sensors id to 19 RST //Reset the sensor sl{r|y|g} {1|0} //Enable/disable red, green or yellow led png x //ping sensor x, Pong received if x is connected esr //enable sensor readings dsr //disable sensor readings saf 32 //Set announce flags (e.g. 32 -> serial and radio) raf //Read announce flags