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Marian Sigler


The objective of the EU co-financed project “Student's identification and electronic signature services” (StudIES+) - as response to the CEF call “CEF-TC-2017-1: eIdentification (eID) & eSignature” - is to facilitate the mobility of students in the European Union and build trust for secure e-services among students by deploying and operating the distributed platform StudIES+. The StudIES+ platform will incorporate digital services for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) students that will be accessible with the use of the eID (including eIDAS eID) and derived electronic identities (Erasmus Student eCard) as well as provide eSignature/eSeal/time stamp services that rely on DSS for e-signature generation and verification. Furthermore, a Digital Transaction Management (DTM) platform will be connected to the StudIES+ platform in order to offer a platform for eSigned document exchange between students, HEI, HEI services organizations on the one hand and businesses on the other hand. The secure exchange of the documents will be also ensured by deploying secure document exchange (ePROSECAL) and notarization platform/services (eNOTAR), which will serve as an access point to trusted environment at HEI in combination with eID based authentication and eSignature/eSeal/time stamp services affecting sensible student data.

The aim of the subproject “Erasmus Student eCard” in the responsibility of ID-Management AG and Bundesdruckerei GmbH is to develop a solution which would give the Erasmus incomings (as well as German students) the possibility to authenticate themselves via a digital student card on their smartphones in a secure way in order to use e.g. various online services offered at the campus. This electronic identity will be derived from the national digital identity (eID).

Beside FU Berlin and Bundesdruckerei GmbH, the StudIES+ consortium consists of Francotyp-Postalia Holding AG, Hochschule Harz and SIXFORM GmbH.

The StudIES+ project was completed in December 2019. Further information about our developed demonstrator of the Student eCard can be found here.

Co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union