In the poster session on Monday evening, we'd like to give every CRC project, and especially our junior researches, the chance to present their research.
We recognize the challenges that come with a virtual poster session but will try our best create platform for fruitful academic exchange. As such, we've decided on the following structure:
Virtual gallery
All posters will be available on the conference website soon for you to have a first look ahead of time. You can find them in our cloud, or linked individually below.
Introduction round
Monday, March 1st, 18:30h: Each poster will be introduced with a one minute teaser. This should help you decide which projects to visit for a closer Q&A.
Individual Q&A
Each poster will have a seperate ZOOM break-out room that you can enter and leave as you would in a non-virtual format. We encourage you to switch rooms and "walk around", join ongoing discussions, or just listen in. Presenters will be available until at least 20:30h.
List of posters