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Summer term 2020

Sommersemester 2020

Rupert Klein

Welcome for Undergraduate Students of Computer Sciences and Bioinformatics (19000370)
Tue, 14.04.2020  08:00 - 10:00 Uhr  Takustr. 9/Gr. Hörsaal
Tue, 14.04.2020  10:00 - 12:00 Uhr  Takustr. 9/SR 005 und SR 046 und Arnimallee 3/SR 024

Rupert Klein

Graduation Ceremony (19000170)
Fr, 17.07.2020 14:00 - 16:00  Takustr. 9/Gr. Hörsaal

Rupert Klein
Luigi delle Site

Analysis 1 (Mathematics for Physicists I) (19221001)
Further information can be found in the KVV                                    

Rupert Klein
Edriss Titi

Mathematical Analysis of Geophysical Models and a Data Assimilation (19243701)
Further information can be found in the KVV

Rupert Klein
Ralf Kornhuber
Christof Schütte

SFB 1114-Colloquium (19210850)
The announcements of the lectures can be found on the Homepage 

Nikki Vercauteren

Mathematics for Geoscientists II (19221101)
Further information can be found in the KVV

Nikki Vercauteren
Gottfried Hastermann

Mathematical Modelling in Climate Research (19215301)
Further information can be found in the KVV

Nikki Vercauteren
Anette Müller

Machine Learning in Meteorology (19242611)
Further information can be found in the KVV. 

Anina Mischau
Ralf Kornhuber

History + Contextualization of Mathematics (Undergraduate Seminar) (19200810
Further information can be found in the KVV.                           

Anina Mischau Mathematics Education - Elective Module Seminar  (19233011)
Further information can be found in the KVV.                                            
Anina Mischau

Women in the History of Mathematics and Computer Science (19234810)
Further information can be found in the KVV.

Anina Mischau

Basics of Mathematics Education 2 (19225011)
Further information can be found in the KVV.

Christian Haase Anina Mischau

Panorama der Mathematik -- Fortsetzung  (19243101)
Further information can be found in the KVV. 

Volker John
Gottfried Hastermann

Numerics I (19212001)
Further information can be found in the KVV.                             

Research Projects

Frank Noe
Rupert Klein
Roland Netz
Nikki Vercauteren
Petra Imhof

Research Project A (19236912)

Frank Noe
Rupert Klein
Roland Netz
Nikki Vercauteren
Petra Imhof

Research Project B  (19237012)

Frank Noe
Rupert Klein
Roland Netz
Nikki Vercauteren
Petra Imhof
Research Project (19237112)
Frank Noe
Rupert Klein
Roland Netz
Nikki Vercauteren
Petra Imhof
Research Project D (19237212)
Frank Noe
Rupert Klein
Roland Netz
Nikki Vercauteren
Petra Imhof
Research Project E (19237312)