Christiane Rousseau, Université de Montréal
The singularities of a dynamical system are usually its equilibrium points. They are heavily studied by the mathematicians, partly because there is a lack of global methods to study the dynamical systems far from their equilibrium points or periodic solutions. But there is much more to this. The singularities and periodic orbits organize the global dynamics. This statement will be illustrated with examples within mathematics and from other sciences, mainly celestial mechanics and the n-body problem.
Frau Rousseau hat angekündigt, dass sich ihr Vortrag nicht nur an die Spezialisten richten wird. Alle Personen mit Interesse an einem Thema aus dem Gebiet der dynamischen Systeme können teilnehmen.
Time & Location
Mar 08, 2013 | 02:30 PM
Raum 032 in der Arnimallee 6, 14195 Berlin, Pi-Gebäude