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Numerical Methods with Non-matching Meshes: The Where, the Why, and the How

Apr 09, 2013 | 02:00 PM

Dr. Thomas Dickopf, Universität Düsseldorf

During the last years, finite element methods with non-matching meshes have successfully been applied to challenging problems in applied mathematics and computational engineering. In many applications, non-matching meshes offer much more flexibility when it comes to modeling, discretization, and iterative solvers. The transfer of finite element approximation associated with one mesh to finite element approximation associated with another mesh is the common difficulty in all these numerical methods. This holds true although the specific reasons for the use of non-matching meshes are apparently diverse. In this talk, beside application examples, we present quantitative studies of transfer operators in this context. Several local approximations of the global L2-orthogonal projection are reviewed and evaluated computationally.



Dem wissenschaftlichen Vortrag wird eine Lehrprobe zum Thema "Numerik III: Prinzipielle Funktionsweise von Mehrgitterverfahren für elliptische partielle Differentialgleichungen" von ca. 20 min vorangehen.

Hierzu sind auch insbesondere die Studierenden des Fachbereichs eingeladen.

Time & Location

Apr 09, 2013 | 02:00 PM

Arnimallee 6, Raum 108/109