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Journal Club Computational Biology

In this seminar we will present original work in Computational biology as well as progress reports from PhD students. Master students can participate and are assigend a paper to present. If they talk about their masters thesis, no credits are awarded. Please sign up for the seminar on the group web page.


InstructorKnut Reinert
RoomTakustr. 9 SR 055

Monday 14-16

Student Profile

Master and PhD students in Bioinformatics, Computer Science and Mathematics




The schedule of the seminar will follow below. We will start Monday 20th!

Interested MSc students should (have) come to the first meeting. The seminar is still open for new participants.

English is the preferred language of presentation. There will be presentations about the current work in the research group as well as a thematic emphasis on recent algorithmic publications (e.g. RECOMB)

We expect each student to write a brief handout (about 2 pages) summarizing the key points his or her talk. This handout will be distributed to the audience.

Two useful guides on how to give a good seminar talk:


Date Name Title


  Handout of papers
27.10.08 Tobias Rausch Multiple Sequence Alignment (state of PhD)
03.11.08 Stephan Aiche MSC thesis
10.11.08 Andreas Döring Efficient Data Structures for Storing and Manipulating Alignments in SeqAn (state of PhD Thesis)
17.11.08 David Weese RazerS (state of PhD)
Anne-Katrin Emde Overview and runtimes of current read mapping tools
24.11.08 Chris Bielow state of PhD thesis
01.12.08 Sandro Andreotti state of PhD thesis
08.12.08 Clemens Gröpl tbd
12.01.09 Stephan Aiche state of PhD thesis
02.02.09 Elena Reiffel Design and implementation of a database and analysis pipeline for RNAi high throughput screening data.