Thema der Dissertation:
Turbulence modeling and blood flow: impacts and alternatives Thema der Disputation:
Primality tests and the Riemann hypothesis
Turbulence modeling and blood flow: impacts and alternatives Thema der Disputation:
Primality tests and the Riemann hypothesis
Abstract: The question of efficient primality testing has been given practical relevance by the widespread adoption of asymmetric encryption schemes such as RSA. We present an overview of a widely used probabilistic algorithm (the Miller-Rabin test) and an efficient deterministic variant conditional on the generalized Riemann hypothesis, with a look at the most important ideas used in the proofs.
Time & Location
Feb 11, 2025 | 04:00 PM
Seminarraum 119
(Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Arnimallee 3, 14195 Berlin)