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MolnetzASS16_1 in AgMathLife
Exercise 1: Flux Balance Analysis and Flux Variability Analysis Deadline: Tuesday, 17.05.2016, 08:00 a.m. FBA Write a program that: * reads in a metabolic ne…
MolnetzASS16_2 in AgMathLife
Exercise 2: Flux Coupling Analysis and a reducing tool Deadline: Tuesday, 31.05.2016, 08:00 a.m. FCA Write a program that: * reads in a metabolic network: a…
MolnetzASS16_3 in AgMathLife
Exercise 3: Shortest EFMs Deadline: Tuesday, 14.06.2016, 08:00 a.m. Shortest EFM Write a program that: * reads in a metabolic network: a struct in a .mat fil…
MolnetzASS16_4 in AgMathLife
Exercise 4: Targeted EFMs and test Deadline: Tuesday, 28.06.2016, 08:00 a.m. Targeted EFM Use your program you wrote to find kshortest EFMs. Change it such that…
MolnetzASS16_5 in AgMathLife
Exercise 3: Shortest GFMs Deadline: Tuesday, 12.07.2016, 08:00 a.m. k shortest GFMs and MMBs Write a program that: * reads in a metabolic network: a struct i…
AgMathLife in AgMathLife
Welcome to the Mathlife Lectures Wiki The Mathematics in Life Sciences research group is working at the interface of mathematics and structural and systems biolo…
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Statistics for AgMathLife Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and upload…
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