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Journal Club, SoSe 2014 (19576b)

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In this seminar we will present original work in Computational biology as well as progress reports from PhD students.
Master students will present their MSc thesis plans and results, or report about their "Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum". Depending on the length of the talks, we could have two at one given date.


Time and Place

Day Time Address Room
Monday 14-16 Takustr. 9 SR 055


Date Speaker Title
14.04.14 Peter Clote Stuff I know about RNA
28.04.14 Oliver Stolpe Progress PhD/IMPRS prep talk
05.05.14 Jochen Singer A viral design problem/IMPRS prep talk
12.05.14 Sabrina Krakau IMPRS prep talk
  Sarah Sharifian IMPRS prep talk
19.05.14 Birte Kehr PhD defense
02.06.14 Rene Rahn Status PhD (Journaled string tree)
  Xiao Liang tbd
16.06.14 Temesgen Dadi Status PhD
23.06.14 Leon Kuchenbecker Status PhD
30.06.14 Jialu Hu LocalAli
07.07.14 Johannes Röhr Status PhD
  René Rahn HitSeq Prep-Talk (15 min.)
14.07.14 Manuel Holtgrewe Status PhD
21.07.14 Enrico Siragusa Yara
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