Pair Programming Group
This is the homepage of the Pair Programming research group at the
Free University Berlin. We are part of the
Software Engineering Group in the
CS department.
For more information, please contact
Franz Zieris, or
Lutz Prechelt.
Goals and Approach
- Our goal as software engineering researchers is to understand pair programming in such a way that we can advise practitioners how to use it most efficiently.
- We propose that the only way to obtain such understanding is to understand the mechanisms at work in the actual pair programming process.
- This understanding must first be gained in qualitative form before we can start quantifying.
- We perform such investigation based on Grounded Theory Methodology (GTM), working from rich sets of data (full-length audio, programmer video, and screen video of pair programming sessions).
Some Results in a Nutshell
Understanding Pair Programming: The Base Layer.
224 pages, hardcover, ISBN-10: 3732281930, ISBN-13: 978-3732281930, Books on Demand; 2013 (
PDF Version).
Ein Rahmenwerk für die qualitative Analyse der Paarprogrammierung.
Dissertation, Mai 2013.
Liberating Pair Programming Research from the Oppressive Driver/Observer Regime.
Proc. of the 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), San Francisco, May 2013.
NIER homepage)
Project Kick-off with Distributed Pair Programming.
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Workshop of Psychology of Programming Interest Group (PPIG '10), Madrid, September 2010.
Saros: An Eclipse Plug-in for Distributed Party Programming.
Proceedings of the 2010 ICSE Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering, May, 2010.
Saros - Distributed Party Programming.
eclipse Magazin, 02.2010.
Lutz Prechelt, Ulrich Stärk, Stephan Salinger.
Types of Cooperation Episodes in Side-by-Side Programming.
Proceedings of the 21st Annual Workshop of Psychology of Programming Interest Group (PPIG '09), Limerick, July 2009.
Lutz Prechelt, Ulrich Stärk, Stephan Salinger.
7 Types of Cooperation Episodes in Side-by-Side Programming.
Technical Report TR-B-08-16, 12 pages, Freie Universität Berlin,
Institut für Informatik, Germany, December 2008.
Stephan Salinger, Lutz Prechelt.
What happens during Pair Programming?
Proceedings of the 20th Annual Workshop of Psychology of Programming Interest Group (PPIG '08), Lancaster, September 10-12, 2008.
Stephan Salinger, Laura Plonka, Lutz Prechelt.
A Coding Scheme Development Methodology Using Grounded Theory
for Qualitative Analysis of Pair Programming.
Human Technology: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments 4(1):9-25, May 2008.
Stephan Salinger, Laura Plonka, Lutz Prechelt.
A Coding Scheme Development Methodology Using Grounded Theory
for Qualitative Analysis of Pair Programming.
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Workshop of Psychology of Programming Interest Group (PPIG '07), Joensuu, July 02-06, 2007.
Riad Djemili, Christopher Oezbek, Stephan Salinger.
Saros: Eine Eclipse-Erweiterung zur verteilten Paarprogrammierung.
In: Software Engineering 2007 - Beiträge zu den Workshops, Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2007. Beiträge zu den Workshops, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Hamburg, Germany, March 27, 2007.
Available Thesis Topics
See ThesesHome for available thesis topics.
Contact us directly for further ones or to talk about your own ideas.