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Research Seminar Numerical Analysis of Stochastic and Deterministic Partial Differential Equations

The research seminar will be held on Thursdays at FU Berlin (Arnimallee 3-7) during Wintersemester 2023/24. The seminar brings together experts on numerical analysis, applied mathematics, statistics and stochastics with particular focus on applications to stochastic and deterministic partial differential equations.

Sommersemester 2024

  • 16.5.24 Robert Gruhlke
    QMC meets Optimal sampling
    room 210, Arnimallee 6
  • 23.5.24 Ilja Klebanov

    Sampling in Unit Time with Kernel Fisher-Rao Flow
    Paper von Aimee Maurais und Youssef Marzouk
    room 210, Arnimallee 6

  • 30.5.24 Konrad Mundinger (ZIB)
    Learning Operators via Hypernetworks
    room 126, Arnimallee 6

  • 6.6.24 Andre Zepernick
    Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods for PDEs on Random Domains
    room 126, Arnimallee 6

  • 13.6.24 Matei Hanu
    Optimisation in Bayesian experimental design
    room 126, Arnimallee 6
  • 20.6.24 Deborah Hendrych (ZIB)
    Solving the Optimal Experiment Design Problem with mixed-integer convex methods
  • room 126, Arnimallee 6
  • 11.7.24

Wintersemester 2023/24

  • Tue 17.10. Angelina Senchukova (LUT University), Edge-preserving inversion with heavy-tailed Bayesian neural networks priors, room A6/108, 3:15 pm
  • Thu 19.10. CRC Colloquium, 2:00-6:00 pm
  • Thu 26.10. Sven Wang (HU Berlin), On polynomial-time mixing for high-dimensional MCMC in inverse problems, room A6/108, 1:00 pm
  • Thu 02.11. Ruben Harris (FU Berlin), Ensemble Kalman Inversion for time-dependent forward operators, room A6/210, 12:00pm
  • Thu 02.11. Ali El-Rahal (FU Berlin), Effiziente Synergien durch integrierte Prozessoptimierung – Bedarfsgerechter Einsatz von Produktionskapazitäten unter Berücksichtigung der partiellen Produktionssysteme , room TBA, 1:00pm
  • Thu 09.11. No seminar talk
  • Thu 16.11. Lorenz Richter (Zuse Institute Berlin), An optimal control perspective on diffusion-based generative modeling leading to robust numerical methods, room A6/108, 1:00 pm
  • Thu 23.11. CRC Colloquium, 2:00-6:00 pm
  • Thu 30.11 André-Alexander Zepernick (FU Berlin), An introduction to TorchPhysics: Deep Learning for partial differential equations, A3/115, 1:00 pm
  • Fri 01.12. Jeremie Houssineau (University of Warwick), Ensemble Kalman filtering for epistemic uncertainty, room A6 108/109, 10:00 am
  • Thu 07.12. TBA
  • Thu 14.12. CRC Colloquium, 2:00-6:00 pm
  • Thu 21.12. Hanno Gottschalk (TU Berlin), From Probabilistic Models of Mechanical Failure to Multi-Objective Shape Optimization, room A3/115, 1:00 pm
  • Thu 11.01. Vicky Holfeld (ITWM), TBA, room A3/115, 1:00 pm
  • Thu 18.01. No seminar talk
  • Thu 25.01. CRC Colloquium, 2:00-6:00 pm
  • Thu 01.02. Caroline Geiersbach (WIAS), PDE-Constrained Optimization Problems with Probabilistic State Constraints, room A6/108 12:00 pm
  • Thu 01.02. Daniel Walter (HU Berlin), Towards optimal sensor placement for inverse problems in spaces of measures, room A6/108 1:00 pm
  • Thu 08.02. Martin Eigel (WIAS), TBA, room A3/115, 1:00 pm
  • Thu 15.02. CRC Colloquium, 2:00-6:00 pm

Older talks


Prof. Dr. Claudia Schillings c.schillings@fu-berlin.de

Arnimallee 6, room 213
Consulting hours: By appointment