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Softwareprojekt Technische Informatik

In this software project telematics students will work in teams on problems from the area of mobile communication, or distributed and embedded systems. This semester topics will be from mobile offloading as well as collaborative localisation using autonomous robots. The project's results will be presented twice during the semester and documented in a final report.

The module is a lab-course with focus on software development in small teams. As a central aspect, telecommunication systems have to be specified, communication protocols developed, and networks analyzed. Each team of students has to solve a particular assignment, which includes project management and presentation of the current and final state. Problems, ideas, and further steps shall be discussed in Plenum-style events.

The available topics change from term to term and include wired and wireless network technologies. Depending on the available infrastructure and hardware, either wireless sensor networks, wireless mesh networks, or Ethernet-based local area networks are used.

Attendance in the first two events is mandatory; additionally, the general 85% attendance rule applies. Students forfeit their course registration when missing the first two events and their positions will be reassigned.


Dozent/inSimon Schmitt
InstitutionInstitute of Computer Science
Freie Universität Berlin
SemesterSommersemester 2015
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl20
Freie Plätzeja
RaumTakustraße 9 K40

Tuesday, 14:00-18:00


  • Lectures TI3 and Telematics or Mobile Communications
  • Basic software management skills
  • Basic LaTeX skills
  • Interest in new challenges in problem solving and implementation
  • English, as most documentation is only available in english


  • 14.04.2015, Introduction
    • First Meeting
    • Introduction to the course
    • Handing out topics
  • 28.04.2015 - 07.07.2015 (weekly)
    • Supervised lab hours, team meetings and milestone presentations
  • 05.05.2015
    • Hand in project proposal/schedule (max. 5 pages)
  • 19.05.2015 Presentations
    • Presentation of project topic, objectives, assignments in the team, milestones, etc.
  • 16.06.2015 Presentations
    • Intermediate presentation of project status
  • 14.07.2015 Presentations
    • Final talks/presentations/demo

Additional mandatory appointments might be announced on demand.

Course Requirements

  • No exam
  • 85% attendance
  • Attendance in the first two events
  • Talk/presentation/demo
  • Written report


  1. Collaborative simultaneous localization and mapping with mobile robots

  2. Collaborative and delay tolerant network with smart positioning of mobile robots

  3. Collaborative room coverage with mobile robots

  4. <Please fill your own idea here>


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