S Technische Informatik - Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
The seminar of the Computer Systems and Telematics (CST) research group introduces students to advanced topics based on the Telematics and Mobile Communications lectures. A talk will be given by students on a weekly basis. To pass the seminar a report has to be submitted in the end of the semester. All seminar topics are supervised by PhD students of the CST group. Meetings with the supervisor during the semester are mandatory. Besides the talk and seminar report all deadlines have to be met. Attendance of 85% required (first two events are mandatory!), as well as following the general rules of the seminar regarding form and quality of content.
The talks are based on topics that the reports will be based on. We proceed as follows. First of all each student chooses three topics of interest; one will be assigned. After research for literature and getting an overview of the topic, each student will present some in-detail information about his/her topic. Then you meet with the supervisor and discuss the focus and extend of the report. By the submission of a report that complies with the requirements of the seminar, you pass. The grade will be based on the talk (weight 1/3) and the report (weight 2/3).
The talks are based on topics that the reports will be based on. We proceed as follows. First of all each student chooses three topics of interest; one will be assigned. After research for literature and getting an overview of the topic, each student will present some in-detail information about his/her topic. Then you meet with the supervisor and discuss the focus and extend of the report. By the submission of a report that complies with the requirements of the seminar, you pass. The grade will be based on the talk (weight 1/3) and the report (weight 2/3).
Typ | Seminar |
Dozent/in | Bastian Blywis, Prof. Dr. Mesut Günes |
Institution | Institute of Computer Science Freie Universität Berlin |
Sprache | Deutsch |
Semester | WS 09/10 |
Veranstaltungsumfang | 2 |
Leistungspunkte | 4 |
Raum | Takustraße 9 K 40 |
Zeit | Time:Friday, 14:00 - 16:00
Vordiplom or B.Sc., lectures Telematics or Mobile Communications
All communication regarding the organization, deadline, talks, etc is done with Bastian Blywis via seminar-agtech@inf.fu-berlin.de. In contrast, all content related questions are answered by the supervisor of the particular topic. Have a look at the topic abstracts below for the supervisors' email addresses.
- Seminar introduction
- Introduction of the supervisors
- Presentation of available topics
- Choose three topics in declining order by email
- You will receive your topic via email.
23.10.2008: "Writing a Seminar Report and Giving a Talk"
- Related Work
- Scientific Writing
- Presentation and Talk
- "Dont's", e.g. Plagiarism
20.11.2009 - 12.02.2009:
- Talks: slides have to be send to seminar manager Thursday before the talk
- Submit seminar report as PDF by email (seminar-agtech@inf.fu-berlin.de)
- Talk
- Preparing questions for selected talk(-s)
- Seminar report
- Meeting deadlines
- Using provided templates and following formatting rules
See introduction slides