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A Quantitative Evaluation of the Simulation Accuracy of Wireless Sensor Networks

Georg Wittenburg, Jochen Schiller – 2007

In the field of wireless sensor networks, network simulators are commonly used to evaluate properties of software components or the network as a whole. Their advantages in reduced experimental overhead, flexibility, and repeatability come at the expense of questionable credibility of the results. In order to quantify the simulation accuracy of wireless sensor networks, we have conducted a field test measuring the packet loss rate and compared the data with the results obtained from a carefully configured simulation of the same scenario. Our evaluation gives insight into how much trust can be put into the results of simulations of comparable scenarios.

A Quantitative Evaluation of the Simulation Accuracy of Wireless Sensor Networks
Proceedings of the 6th GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch ``Drahtlose Sensornetze'', pp. 23-26, 2007.
Wireless Sensor Networks, Simulation, Accuracy, ScatterWeb, ns-2
BibTeX Code
@inproceedings{wittenburg07quantitative, author = {Georg Wittenburg and Jochen Schiller}, title = {{A Quantitative Evaluation of the Simulation Accuracy of Wireless Sensor Networks}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespr{\"a}ch ``Drahtlose Sensornetze''}, year = {2007}, pages = {23-26}, address = {Aachen, Germany}, month = {}, abstract = {In the field of wireless sensor networks, network simulators are commonly used to evaluate properties of software components or the network as a whole. Their advantages in reduced experimental overhead, flexibility, and repeatability come at the expense of questionable credibility of the results. In order to quantify the simulation accuracy of wireless sensor networks, we have conducted a field test measuring the packet loss rate and compared the data with the results obtained from a carefully configured simulation of the same scenario. Our evaluation gives insight into how much trust can be put into the results of simulations of comparable scenarios.}, day = {16-17}, file = {http://cst.mi.fu-berlin.de/papers/wittenburg07quantitative.pdf}, keywords = {Wireless Sensor Networks, Simulation, Accuracy, ScatterWeb, ns-2}, slides = {http://cst.mi.fu-berlin.de/papers/wittenburg07quantitative_slides.pdf}, theme = {nsim|wsn} }