
The Wi-Mesh-Lab project is focused on the extension of the DES-Testbed and development of domain specific software for application in wireless networks. The development of industrial-grade products based on scientic research is a central topic. Wi-Mesh-Lab tries to provide solutions for the Internet of the future that will consist of wired and wireless networks.
The infrastructure, applications and researched solutions will be made publically available at the end of the Wi-Mesh-Lab project. They will be used for scientific and commercial intents. The research team has to develop and extent scientific methods for the experimentation in testbeds and will provide comparisons of testbed-based and simulation studies. The gained knowlegde and hands-on-experience will be used to further improve the teaching at FU-Berlin to educate students of modern wireless networks. During the project students can participate as student helpers or by doing their theses on particular topics.
The project ist sponsored by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Federal Ministry of Education and Research).