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Towards the Systematic Analysis of Non-Functional Properties in Model-Based Engineering for Real-Time Embedded Systems

Christoph Benzmüller, Guillaume Brau, Nicolas Navet, Jerome Hugues – 2018

The real-time scheduling theory provides analytical methods to assess the temporal predictability of embedded systems. Nevertheless, their use is limited in a Model-Based Systems Engineering approach. In fact, the large number of applicability conditions makes the use of real-time scheduling analysis tedious and error-prone. Key issues are left to the engineers: when to apply a real-time scheduling analysis? What to do with the analysis results?} This article presents an approach to systematize and then automate the analysis of non-functional properties in Model-Based Systems Engineering. First, preconditions and postconditions define the applicability of an analysis. In addition, contracts specify the analysis interfaces, thereby enabling to reason about the analysis process. We present a proof-of-concept implementation of our approach using a combination of constraint languages (REAL for run-time analysis) and specification languages (Alloy for describing interfaces and reasoning about them). This approach is experimented on architectural models written with the Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL).

Towards the Systematic Analysis of Non-Functional Properties in Model-Based Engineering for Real-Time Embedded Systems
Christoph Benzmüller, Guillaume Brau, Nicolas Navet, Jerome Hugues
Model-Based Systems Engineering ; Non-functional properties ; Analysis contracts ; Real-time scheduling ; Architecture Description Languages
ISSN : 0167-6423; DOI : 10.1016/j.scico.2017.12.007
Erschienen in
Science of Computer Programming, Vol. 156, May 2018
Größe oder Länge
pp 1-20