Nachfolgend eine Auswahl der drittmittelfinanzierten Projekte des Dahlem Centers for Machine Learning and Robotics.
Freie Universität Berlin
Prof. Dr. Tim Landgraf
01.11.2023 — 31.12.2026
When a substance causes effects to an organism, which do not kill it and do not directly impair its reproduction, but affect it otherwise, e.g. by inducing changes in behavior, feeding, digestion, orientation capability, lifespan, sensitivity to pathogens, etc., this is referred to as sublethal ...
Prof. Dr. Tim Landgraf, Youssef Nader
01.01.2022 — 30.11.2025
Das Verbundvorhaben "IMPACT - Implementierung von KI-basiertem Feedback und Assessment mit Trusted Learning Analytics in Hochschulen" zielt auf die Verbesserung der Hochschulbildung durch den skalierbaren Einsatz von Verfahren der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) Im Zentrum steht dabei die ...
Prof. Dr. Daniel Göhring
01.01.2022 — 31.03.2025
KIS-M will ein KI-basiertes System für eine vernetzte Mobilität erproben, dass die Herausforderungen des autonomen, fahrerlosen Betriebs und der bedarfsgerechten Bedienung dynamisch wachsender Gebiete bewältigt. Dazu werden die notwendigen Voraussetzungen durch nutzerzentrierte Technikentwicklung ermittelt und die Interaktion Mensch-Maschine in der Leitstelle, auf der Straße und in den Fahrzeugen (Fahrgastführung) erprobt.
01.09.2023 — 31.12.2025
The open science hardware community has identified the lack of recognition of research hardware developers and their work as a main bottleneck towards broader adoption of open hardware. Open.Make II aims to address this issue by promoting the recognition of research hardware as a valuable research ...
Tim Landgraf
01.09.2020 — 31.10.2024
In this project we aim to address questions using biomimetic fish robots that serve as communication partners in a shoal of electric fish. Our robotic agents infiltrate the natural group and are programmed to interact with the animals. Using these artificial fish, we can test different hypotheses ...
der Arbeitsgruppe Intelligente Systeme und Robotik (-2011)
01.04.2019 — 31.03.2024
We aim for establishing a community of world-class actors in the emerging field of bio-hybrid honeybee-technological systems that research the path towards a novel living technology (HIVEOPOLIS) employing a new paradigm that embeds technology (sensors, actuators, robots, algorithms) in a living ...
01.09.2021 — 31.08.2023
Open access publishing, open data and free and open source software have become important pillars of responsible research and innovation (RRI), an approach that wants to maximise the integrity and impact of research. Presently, a new school of thought is emerging which aims to establish an open hardware (OH) strategy for academia. OH is extending the principles of free and open source from software into physical products, enabling hardware reuse and quality control. It also fills a gap in the promotion of FAIR data principles (seeking to make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) by German and European funding agencies.