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Research Seminar Semantic Technologies

Vorträge über Forschung, Bachelor-, Diplom- und Masterarbeiten, sowie Originalarbeiten aus dem Bereich Logik Programmierung, deklarative Wissensrepräsentation, semantischen Technologien und Web Technologien.


Dozent/inAdrian Paschke

Wednesday, 14:00   - 16:00 pm



22.8. Evaluating the relevance of product advisors on product collections“ Georgi Lazarov Bachelor thesis
 30.8.  Central Administration of Coupon Campaigns for Reverse Vending Systems Leonard Wurth Master thesis

Gamifizierung von Hassredeannotationsprozessen


Raimi Enrico Solorzano Niederhausen

 Master thesis
 10.10.  Vorhersage von Aktienkursen mit automatisierten
bestärkenden Lernalgorithmen
Said Yasin  Master thesis
 10.10.  Detection of Hate Speech in Multimodal Memes on Social Media  

Daniia Vergazova

 Bachelor thesis
 27.10. RECOMP - Research on Realtime Compliance Mechanism for AI Adrian Paschke Research project
 31.10. RECOMP Panqura Solid Pods: GDPR Compliant Data Wallet Application Adrian Paschke Research project
 2.11.  Introduction Research Seminar Semantic Technologies  Adrian Paschke Research Seminar Introduction
9.11. Improving AFLGo’s directed fuzzing by considering indirect function calls Fabian Jezuita Bachelor thesis
 9.11.  Categorical Embeddings and Categories for AI  Sefika Efeoglu  PhD presentation
 16.11.  Robust Traffic Rules and Knowledge Representation for Conflict Resolution in Autonomous Driving  Kumar Manas  PhD presentation
 20.12.  MEFFI-PROMPT: Multilingual Relation Classification via Efficient and Effective Prompting  Yuxuan Chen  Master thesis presentation
 7.12.  Co-Calibration for Networks of Homogeneous Sensors under Consideration of Semantic Knowledge  Maximilian Gruber  PhD presentation
 11.1.   A system design for a semantic and rule-based medical decision support system  Gerhard Kober  PhD presentation
 18.1.  Bot/no-bot classification on e-commerce website  Frenny Macwan Master thesis presentation
 18.1.  Identifying Weak Points of Abusive Language Detection in Online Communication of Adolescents  Jan Fillies  PhD presentation
 8.2.  Integrating the semantic rules into the neural network  Börtecin Ege  PhD presentation
 15.2.  Evaluating Federated Recommendation Systems on the Edge  Marko Harasic  PhD presentation
 1.3.  AI-supported creation of learning content for emergency medical services and emergency management training  

Fabian Broszio

 PhD presentation
 15.3.  Aspect-oriented Ontology Modeling  Ralph Schäfermeier  PhD presentation
 22.3.  Ontology-based Modul for enhancing Traffic Scence Understanding  Ya Wang  PhD presentation
 22.3.  A Continual Relation Extraction Approach for Knowledge Graph Completeness  Sefika Efeoglu  PhD presentation
 13.4.  Der Einfluss von Kontext auf die Hate Speech-Erkennung verschiedener Machine Learning-Modelle  Alexander Chmielus  Bachelor thesis
 12.5.  GroundSPINdle - A Grounder for the SPINdle reasoner  Philipp Lerch  Bachelor thesis
 22.5.  Personen-Authentifizierung mittels neuronaler Netze für Fingerschrift mit einfachen Mustern  Maan Al Balkhi  Master thesis
 6.6.  Evaluation of Different Transformers Models for Questions Answering Task  Badreddin Aboubakr  Bachelor thesis