DRS Career Transition Day on October 17th
Interesting to international doctoral candidates
News vom 09.10.2018
Dear international coctoral candidates of Freie Universität Berlin,
the DRS would like to invite you to our Career Transition Day on October 17. In the morning you will meet experts from Berlin Partner for Business and Technology GmbH – the business agency of the Land of Berlin. They will present their Business Immigration Services which offers support concerning questions on visa regulations you need to know if you want to stay in Germany after your doctorate and work here. Also, they will give you an overview of the job market in Berlin focusing on the industry sector.
The afternoon will be dedicated to academic career paths in Germany and will include a panel consisting of postdoctoral researchers of different career stages who will share their experience with you.
The Career Transition day is open for all international doctoral candidates of Freie Universität Berlin.
Career Transition Day
October 17, 2018, 10 – 4:30 pm
You can access online registration here: www.drs.fu-berlin.de/node/15639/