Girls' Day 2024
Postersession with many visitors
Ana Djurdjevac helps with poster preperation
Postersession in action
Results of: Draw someone who works in Mathematics
Both FU and ZIB members of CRC1114 participated in the Berlin-wide "Girl's Day" on April 25th, 2024
At ZIB, Stefanie Winkelmann and Nathalie Wehlitz of project C03 organized the workshop „Mathematiker*innen auf den Spuren des Zufalls". In it, the girls (5th/6th grade) were able to discover how a fun dice game became a helpful computer program in which chance played a major role. They were also shown them the ZIB's supercomputer and looked over the shoulders of researchers at the ZIB in their offices.
At FU, Ana Djurdjevac of C10, together with Jana Jerosch, coordinator of the Diversity and Equal chances program of CRC Held the workshop "Fantastische Mathematikerinnen der Geschichte". Together with 12 girls (ages 10-12), they prepared posters and then presented them as a mathmatician would at a poster session of a conference. Many CRC members visited for the poster session.
Many thanks to the helpers: André Zeperncik, Leander Schnee, Charlotte Weschke, Hannah Nettesheim, Xiaohan Zhu!